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So.... let's start!!!


Next morning, Gulf felt like pain in his lower side. He groaned in pain suddenly he felt like he is laying on something strong and also soft, but not pillow. When he opened his eyes, he saw he is laying with Mew in close embrace. Gulf smiled.

Mew was looking so handsome and charming while sleeping. Gulf noticed Mew's sharp jawline, beautiful face.

Gulf was blushing when his eyes went to his lips. He started remembering the activity they did last night. But then, he got shocked when he realised that he had said those words to mew.

/*flashback of last night*/

" I.... I.... Lo..... Love.... You.... I love you Mew.... I love you so much......"

/* flashback ends*/

Gulf blushed. He wasn't expecting that he will say but last night he can't control himself. He don't know how but.....he confessed his love to Mew ... finally!

While Gulf was in deep thought, he felt a sensation in his neck. Mew woke up already and snuggling on his neck, sucking and kissing the marks which he created last night.
Gulf was giggling. He felt ticklish.

" Mew.... Hahahaha... Ssttop... It tickles naa... Haha... Please!! "

" Good morning baby! " Mew was facing Gulf in a close embrace also was happy to hear Gulf giggles.
Time stopped.

" G... Good morning. " They both smiled. They really having so peace and heaven moment that they never want to leave this moment.

" Baby , how's you feeling??? Pain?? I know I was very rough last night. " Mew chuckled. Gulf blushed and hit gently on Mew's chest.

" You are a BEAST Mew!!! Do you even remember, How many rounds we had?? "

" I lost count...hehe!!! " Mew giggled proudly. Gulf playfully throw a pillow to him and they laugh.

After having their morning beautiful moment, they went for shower..... together. There also they had a two passionate rounds.
Mew just can't control himself.

After the passionate rounds, gulf made breakfast and they both are it silently. Their weekend went beautifully. Holding hands, talking, getting blushed while remembering their heated moments and also making love.

That day, with full guts mew finally asked...

" Baby, will...... Will you be my boyfriend??? I know it's a bit fast but...please, I can't wait! " Asked Mew.

Gulf got speechless. He don't know what to say. He was happy but confused too. It was a bit fast for him. Best part is......... Gulf.... finally said yes mew. But still he has asked some more time.

" Y...... Yes Mew. I will be you boyfriend. But still I need I little time more. Can you give me a bit time?? " Mew nodded and kissed him on his lips. He was damm happy that Gulf said yes and he was ready to wait.

At evening, finally Gulf's mom came back from aunt Marie's home. She was getting a little suspicious by seeing the a little closeness between these two boys, but didn't mind. Because she really loves mew like a son.

After few days, Mew get recovered, they both have started going to college together. Gulf always try to sit with Mild, but Mew never allowed him.

And when Gulf was not listening his orders, Mew used to pretend like he is having a headache due to stress.

OBSESSION... HEAVEN OR HELL? (REPUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now