27. FAMILY DINNER (pt.1)

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" B....baby???..... When did you came in?? " Mew was so shocked to see Gulf in his room. He thought Gulf will wait downstairs.

" Why??? You have any problem if I m here?? Or maybe... You were busy doing something in your~ Bathroom! " Gulf said in a teasing tone. Mew blushed. He never want Gulf to know what he just did.

" Ahem ahem... *awkward cough* well...umm... That.... Did you... Heard everything??? " Gulf just nodded while controlling his laughter.

" You naughty babyyy~! " Mew started tickling him and Gulf was laughing so hard that they both feel on the bed.

" Hahaha ... Mew... S.. Stopp... Ok ok... I m sorry... Hahaha!! " Gulf said in between the laughing.

" I missed you so much baby! " Mew said romantically.

" Mew we just met at morning.... How can you miss me? " Gulf got confused.

" Oh my naive baby... I m not talking about today...... We are laying like this in my bed after 4 years. That's why. I m so happy my baby is finally with me! "
Gulf blushed. His ears turned red.

" I m also happy Mew. " Said Gulf very shyly. Mew smiled and leaned his face to kiss his baby. Gulf smiled too and leaned his face to kiss.

They were just about to kiss...... But then at that moment they heard a knock at the door.

*knock knock*

" Son??? Gulf?? What are you doing boys?? Come out everybody is waiting for you both. " Said Mrs. Suppasit. They both look at each other and Gulf suddenly realised that his mom had sent him to take Mew with him.

Shit!!! How can I forgot??

" Oh shit! Mew I forgot, your mom send him here to take you downstairs. " Mew chuckled. Mew gave a peck at Gulf's cheeks and went to the door to open.

" Son, Gulf come down. Everybody is waiting for you both. "

" Yes mom! " They both said in unison. Mew's mom giggled and nodded. And with her, they all went down to the dining room.

" Son, what took you so long to bring mew here?? " Gulf's mom asked.

" Umm...Mew...Mew was asking for some... help yeah help that's why. " Gulf faced turned red.

" What help?? " Asked Mew's dad questionably.

" Ahem! let's eat. Food is ready. Shall we Mrs. Kanawut?? " Asked Mew's mom sweetly just to change the topic. She saw both the boys were blushing.

" Yes yes. Let's have dinner. "
They all went to dining room and had dinner with a good environment.

They were talking, Mew's mom was telling some stories of Mew's childhood and gulf's mom as well.
All were laughing, enjoying the dinner like a beautiful family environment.

Food was delicious. Servants were serving food and Mew's mom already told them to cook amazing food and give a good service for the special guests of today.

After having dinner, they all say in the living room couch which was big L shape couch. Mew's mom started her plan to send MewGulf alone.

" Umm...Mew...how about...you should go with Gulf and show him our house. Show him the garden, and.... Go go!! "

Mew's mom wants Gulf's mom to be alone for a important talk or we can say PARENT TALK . So that's why she wants both the boys to go somewhere.

Mew smirked and nodded and hold gulf's hand and pulled him to the garden. While seeing they both left, Mew's mom turned his direction to gulf's mom.

" Umm.. Mrs. Kanawut, me and my husband needs to talk to you about something. It's really important, especially for our sons. " Gulf's mom was dumbfounded. She didn't know what she is going to say.

" Yes Mr. and Mrs. Suppasit, what happened? "

" Well.....as you know ,our sons love each other a lot. They can't leave without each other,just like soulmates right? " Said Mew's mom. Gulf's mom nodded.

" And also we have became good friends a long time ago right?? You trust us?? Trust me as you a friend right?? " Said Mew's mom.
Gulf's mom nodded again.

" So, We want our friendship to change into kinship!! " Gulf's mom froze. Her eyes widened. She never expected that she will ask for marriage for both the boys.

" Mrs...... Mrs. Suppasit....you are... asking.....for.... marriage of Gulf and Mew?? " Mew's mom and dad looked at each other and then nodded at her. Gulf's mom was firstly in shock but then she smiled.

She loves Mew as a son and she also can see a lot of change in his behaviour. She thought she can trust him for his son.

" Mrs. Kanawut, I want your son to get married with my son. Are you agree to this? Will you accept our son as your son-in-law??

If you ask us, we love gulf a lot as our son. We are ready to accept him and welcome him to our family!

He is pure angel and loves mew so much and Mew as well. If you trust us, we really love your son and will take care of him. So what's your answer?

Their future depends on your answer! " Said Mew's mom and Mew's dad nodded in agreement.
Mew's dad is not talkative but he agrees what his wife says.

" I need to ask and discuss about this with my son first. After all it's his life. " Said Gulf's mom nervously.

" Don't worry about that, let Mew do that. We want to know your answer first. " Said Mew's mom calmly. Gulf's mom took some time to think and then....

" I.....I don't have any choice but to agree to this marriage. My son loves him and waited for Mew for four years!

I can see mew really loves my son and I also can see a lot of changes on him and also I trust you also so I will agree to this.

I will accept Mew as my son-in-law. You also accept Gulf as...! " Said Gulf's mom.

" Already did! " Mew's mom and dad said in unison. And they all laughed. Both the moms hugged each other and congratulate. And Mew's dad shook their hand with gulf's mom.



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Keep smiling....

- chubby

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