✨5 ~ Alright... John✨

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I sit up, rubbing my eyes. It was a rough night, I wasn't used to sleeping in a double bed. Or with someone for that matter.

Not saying I haven't, but, I mean, ugh, you know what I mean.

It's surprisingly bright in this room, especially with the curtains shut. It takes me a second to realise I'm not in my apartment anymore. Oh yeah, right. Left that behiend.

"Morning Hamilton." He says, and I look up and him and it takes my extremely tired brain a few seconds to realise neither his words nor his voice had any trace of emotion in him, and it confused the shit out of me.

I hum in response, squinting in the light, and seeing he's already awake and sitting up next to me. Damn. Was he up early? Freak.

"Not a morning person? Don't worry me neither." He says, slightly deadpan-ly. Rude. I roll my eyes, though more to myself due to the fact he hasn't even looked over at me.

"Hey, a Switch?" My voice is hoarse and croaky but I clear my throat, "You lucky bitch!" (the fact it rhymes pisses me off)

"I mean, I've got the money," He shrugs. Switches are hard to come by, they were kind of the peak of gaming consoles, and are extremely expensive, not to mention the games, like whoa. And I'll admit John did have the money.

And the looks.

Not that that.. Never mind, whatever.

"What do you play?"

"Animal Crossing."

"Seriously. You choose the worst one?"

"Hey! It is not the worst! My island is pretty cool. I'm insulted." He huffs, "Go back to sleep." He kind of shoos my away, waving his hands at me.

"Just out of spite now I won't."

I lay back down again, I'll admit, I'm tired, I always am, I kinda like don't want to get out of bed first. I don't know why.

Some ego thing? Probably.

I'm pretty sure it's worth mentioning again here that I am currently laying here next to the prettiest person, well, ever. And in a totally no homo way, damn, he is fucking flawless. You could look at him from any angle and you'd get a picture perfect shot. Seriously he is perfect. It's almost overwhelming.

There's a meow and I look up. Socks is standing on John's leg and is peering judgementally over at me. "Oh, Socks, glad to see you didn't get lost." I mutter. Yeah I got lost yesterday. It's like being in a new school or something, like moving from primary to secondary school. She looks at me and sniffs haughtily, before looking up at John meowing at him for attention. John blinks and looks down at her, smiling, letting her rub her cheek on his hand.

"I swear she likes you more than me." I sigh, and he laughs.

"I'm that charismatic." He teases, glancing at me and I mutter under my breath.

That, is not fair.

time skip bc I procrastinate

Eventually, and it took a while because we're both lazy, we got up. Or he did. I'm procrastinating because I'm tired.

He passes me Socks and get out of bed, standing up and placing his Switch down, which I still can't believe he has. I can't help but laugh when I see his shirt though.

"Pffft- What the fuck is that?" I splutter.

He looks at me then around slightly, "What do you mean?"


"...My shirt?"

"A dinosaur?" I laugh, because it's very hard to look at him, prettiest person ever, wearing a childish shirt with a cartoon dinosaur on it.

"Yeah!" He smiles enthusiastically, "...it also glows in the dark."

"Oh my god." I laugh.

He rolls his eyes at me, still smiling and walks towards the door, opening it then pausing. "You can't stay in bed."

"Watch me bitch."

"Well, you can't tomorrow, we've got something."


"First official appearance as a couple." He says with fake enthusiasm, with jazz hands. "Some movie premiere or some shit, I don't know, something on a red carpet."

Oh great, we have to be seen as a couple. Shit. "You make it sound like not a big deal."

"It's not."


He finally leaves and I sigh slightly.

Socks suddenly decides I have not payed her enough attention, and hits me in the face with her paw. "Alright," I mumble, brushing my fingers over her fur. "Oh, Socks, how did I get into this?" I mumble. It's a mess, I'm a mess, I'm regretting this already.

I push her off me (gently, she's still my favourite... person? in the world) and slip out of the bed, walking over to the door and stopping on the way to glance at my awfully bad posture in the mirror.

I manage to from enough memory to make it downstairs to the kitchen and see John there, leaning against the counter on his phone.

How is he sexy is a dinosaur shirt?!

No that shouldn't... Please shut up brain. John doesn't not equal sexy, remember that.

"Have you got a coffee machine?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. Yeah, no,  I'm not a morning person.

He looks up at me before passing me a cup. "Here, take mine."

I glance at my suspiciously, as I've he was trying to poison me or something.

"Don't worry I haven't drunk from it." He rolls his eyes.

"Oh, well thanks Laurens." I shrug.

"Call me John, you can't be hostile forever, we're going to be living together."


i forget u guys dk abt the later chapters and it keeps throwing me off

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