✨27 ~ Suck Dick✨

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look, more fan art (future me- i don't draw like this, but i still like it a lot like damn)

happy birthday Til_WeMeetAgain !!! <33

1 step 3 steps back is also john's song. olivia rodrigo was made for him

"Alex, wake up!"

"What... no it can't be morning already...?"

"No it's 1 am."

"What?! Why are you waking me up then? Go away..." I pull the covers over my head, attempting to block him out and go back to sleep.

"Because I'm bored," He groans, flopping dramatically on me.

I yelp slightly, "John, get off me, you're crushing me-"

"Get up and come hang out with meeeeee-"

"Fine, I'm suffocating here, I hate you."

"I love you too," He says, and I could hear the grin on his face. I sigh and pull the covers off my head, and he leans in and kisses me gently on the nose.

He drags me by the arm, and I yelp again.

time skip brought to you by the fact i'm failing french and pe

"You woke me up for this?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Any taste in movies and you choose one from like, 1000 years ago. And 20 years."

"Yes, so shut the fuck up. Again."

"And cereal-"

"If you're gonna judge me like this you can go back to sleep."

"I might-"

"No the fuck you wont."

I sigh slightly, and rest my head on his shoulder, pressing myself into him. Maybe I could just get some more sleep here.

We're watching some dumb film, from the 1980's, and I would say it's shitty but it's not. It's called 10 things I hate about u, and its based on some book by some author... I think his name was Shakespeare? I have no clue.

But John obviously loves it. He keeps quoting some of the lines from it, and he's grinning widely. He laughs at all the jokes, which is adorable. He must have seen it hundreds of times, yet he still laughs at it.

"I used to have a crush on him you know." He says, putting down his cereal spoon and pointing at the lead guy, the one with all the curls.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I must have been about 13, and I had a major crush on him. No wait shh, it was tis exact scene." He shushes me, and I watch the scene with him.


"If someone did this for me I'd both marry them and get the floor to swallow me up whole. I can't think of anything more embarrassing." He smiles to himself.

"I never pictured you as a romantic."

"I'm not, but this film is so amazing. It makes me cry."

"Cry? how can this film make you cry with such shitty quality?"

"You, shut the fuck up. You'll see."

time skip brought to u by this film does make me cry too

By the end of it, John was crying softly.

"Weak," I mutter, but I was holding back tears too. It wasn't even sad, but somehow 3 pixels on a screen made me cry.

"Says you."

"Can I go back to sleep now?"


"But John, I'm tired, it's 3 am. Let me sleep please."

"No. You can sleep in the day, tomorrow, its not like we're doing anything."


"You can't to go sleep now, it's the golden time of day."

"The golden hours?"

"Yeah. At like 3, 4, 5 am I can do anything. I could stare at a wall for 3 hours and nothing would happen. There's no pressure because everyone's asleep." He sighs slightly, "There's so much pressure Alex, there's just so much and I can't keep up and now I've put that pressure on you and I'm sorry."

"Hey, you don't need to apologise, you didn't do anything."

"But I fucked up, and now you're here." He doesn't look at me, but I've never seen him like this. He seems so genuinely upset, and apologetic, and I can't help but sympathize with him.

"It's not your fault, if I didn't want to be here or make that offer I wouldn't have."

He looks over at me and smiles softly. "So you know everything then?"

"Yes. But we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Merci d'être là pour moi." He mumbles, and I look up at him.

"You speak French?"


"Oh really? Say something in French."

"Je t'aime beaucoup, tu es le meilleur. Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans vous et j'espère que vous ne parlez pas français." He whispers, slightly laughing. (translations will be deleted ;) )

I raise an eyebrow at him. "What did you just say, there was so much French there, I expected you to just say something dumb."

He laughs, and takes this deep breath, "Alex I-"

I look at him to continue but he doesn't say anything more.

"Never mind, don't worry about it."


"John?" I ask, stepping round the corner into the kitchen.

I see him spray the fucking bottle of cream into his mouth, then put it back, close the fridge and turn to me, "We're out of milk."

He swallows and smiles childishly at me.

"What the fuck are you... why does that matter?"

"Because I want more cereal." He looks down at his pyjama shirt, pulling at it then shrugging, "I'm gonna go get some milk."

He walks down the hall and I follow him slowly.

"M'kay, but actually come back though."

"Alex, I'm not your father," He puts his coat on over his pyjamas and he looks ridiculously cute, "Well, I understand how you mix that up because you do like to call me da-"

"AAAAAAYY, ok just go!" I say hurriedly, pressing my bright red face in my hands.

He laughs and kisses my on the cheek, and walks out the front door, before leaning his head back round. "Do you think murder suspends your license?"

"Only if you ran them over."

"Oh, ok, I'll try my best not to."

im so funny, that last bit might be my fav bit

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