✨20 ~ God Forgive Me For This Chapter✨

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ok so this is gonna be so fucking cringy but its been in my notes since the beginning and it would be slander to take it out so lord fucking forgive me but here we go

i hate myself why was this a good idea (and forget the fact i changed how i write texting but its fine)

John's POV

publicity man 🤺: Uh, so John.

me: thats not good

publicity man 🤺: We, have the next stage in the plan. I would like to take this moment to say, this was not all my plan

me: oh no

me: oh fuck no

publicity man 🤺: Well

publicity man 🤺: You're gonna fuck

me: what 😃😄😃

me: what the actual fuck dude

publicity man 🤺: Well, you're not actually gonna fuck.

publicity man 🤺: You just gotta make it look like it, like usual. 

me: what the hell

me: who came up with this idea

publicity man 🤺: For reasons concerning their safety, I will not give you their details.

me: ugh

me: why did u think this to be a good idea

me: why did u approve this

me: why do you hate me so much

me: why must you put me through this

me: i hate u so much

me: why

publicity man 🤺: C'mon it's not that bad. One photo from one photographer, so it looks like you're about to fuck.

publicity man 🤺: Of course you don't have to if you're really not comfortable. 

me: no, no its fine

me: ill ask alex

me: uhhhhhhhhhh alex?

babe: oh no

me: why oh no

babe: bc of the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

me: mmmmmmmmm yeah makes sense

me: so, theres no way i will physically ever bring myself to say this

me: out loud or typing this

me: so here take a screenshot

me: *photo*

babe: i have no words

babe: incredibly unsure of how to react

babe: but what the frickedy frackity fuck is that

me: interesting choice of words

babe: thanks

me: so

babe: so

babe: who the fuck came up with this and where do they live

me: i tried that already

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