✨21 ~ Oh It's Not Over Yet✨

157 21 129

god this still hurts to write

and its like really short sorry, i did it again

John pulls away from me, and he gasps slightly. I must say he's good at acting, especially. Well, I mean I suppose he should be, he spends a lot of time in the spotlight, you have to have impeccable acing skills if everything you do is going to be scrutinized.

I pretend to be slightly shocked or something, I don't know, I'm very tired and slightly confused.

"Hey!" He shouts and the small photographer gasps and runs away, no more prompting needed.

There's a pause as we almost take it what we managed to pull off, then John turns and bows like an actor, and I begin clapping and cheering.

"Impeccable acting!"

"I know, I know," He bows, blowing kisses to an imaginary audience and waving. I giggle.

"God I actually can't believe we pulled this off!"

"Did you doubt it?"

"No I doubted you."

"Oh wow thanks. That photographer, he was so small, almost like a trainee or something."

"We probably gave him his big break."

"We probably gave him a heart attack!" I laugh and he laughs with me. Wow, I can't believe we actually did that in the end. I mean, I think I went through every emotion you can do, but like, we still pulled it off.

"C'mon, we had better get out of here."

"Agreed." I nod, hopping off the counter and quickly doing up the button my shirt John had undone, and his fingers had brushed my chest ever so slightly and my heart had exploded.

He grabs my hand, no second though about it, and we run, giggling childishly until we make it out the entrance and into John's limo.

Let me once again stress, limo.

We burst into laughter, still not quite over what we had done. God, it was actually really funny. Who even came up with the idea? Why did anyone ever approve the idea?

"D-did you see the look on his face?" John splutters, and I laugh more. "He looked so fucking scared, all weirdly innocent and doe eyed!"

"He probably didn't even know what sex was!" I exclaim and John snorts.

I don't know why we were laughing, maybe nerves or something, but god it felt good to laugh it off after we did something so serious. 

We didn't stop laughing until we were all the way back home, until we had burst through the door and run upstairs to our room.


I still want my own room.

"I.. still can't believe we did that." I pant, a grin etched onto my face as I look up at him. Ugh, either I've got to grow or he's got to shrink, he's too tall.

"Me neither, who even knows how the fuck this is gonna pan out?" He smirks, again with that goddamned smirk, we've made out already, stop smirking. "Well, I'm gonna go take a cold shower, you're welcome to join." He winks.

"Ew, no." I push him slightly, pouting.

Then... something happens. I don't... know what. Something that makes it all different. And I don't know exactly what it is, but it is.

It feels like time freezes, like it slows down, and everything is resting on the moment my eyes meet his, and my breath catches in my throat, and the way he's looking at me... I don't know how to describe it. It's genuine, that's the only word I can think of to describe it. He's looking at me... like I'm looking at him I suppose, but with something else, something that looks like he's just realised something.

And he kisses me. Again. For the third time that night, he kisses me.

But this time's different. For multiple reasons. The first is, we're alone. There's no one to act for, no one to pretend for, no one to lie to. Its just him and me. Me and him. No one else. And he still kisses me.

And the other thing is, there's feeling now. As if... it wasn't fake. Was he kissing me...  for real? A real kiss? Not a fake one for all the cameras, not a trick one to fool everyone else. It could be real.

A real kiss.

Wow, I sound really cheesy here but you're gonna have to put up with it. I'm going through something here.

His hand slips down to my waist, pulling me closer to him. I don't even think of hesitating to kiss him back, this is perfect.

It's all I've ever wanted, and dreaded at the same time.

But then

one thing


into another,

and then

well, I'm sure you can fill in the gaps here.

The Pretty List ~ A Lams AUWhere stories live. Discover now