✨11 ~ Alex just keeps friend zoning John 😔✨

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i wanna draw the selfie alex takes but idk

update i did it and now wattpad is messing w the colours. et toi? took me three hours and anatomy & perspective go brrrrrr. I hate it lmao (future me- i like john here but not alex, but actually i don't liek it that much but c'est la vie)

"Voting season is soon." John says, walking back into our room.

Ew, I hate saying it like that. Our. I'd still love my own room, or at least bed. Friends aren't supposed to share beds.

"Is it?" I ask, not looking up for, my phone, not really interested. Wait.


"It is?!" I ask, sitting up. This voting season could be the thing to get me into the top ten. This is the point of our 'relationship' here. Oh my god, this isn't pressuring.

"Yeah, two weeks." He shrugs and I finally look at him. His hair is wet, and dripping, he should dry that. Also, why does everyone look hot with wet hair?

Not that he does.

He's a friend. And the prettiest person ever.


Anyway he turns back towards me, and I splutter, holding my hand up to my mouth.

"W-what...?" He says, concerned and almost.. self conscious? No.

I press my hand to my mouth. I shouldn't laugh at him, it's rude, but I can't help but giggle. "The fuck?"

"Huh...? My.. glasses?"

"Yeah what the fuck."

"Oh, yeah I'm hella blind."

Why has he never worn these before? I had no idea he had glasses, and he had super thick frames that made him look like a nerd.

I press my lips together and slowly lift my phone up and turning on the camera. "I'm just gonna check my emails from up high." I say, taking a selfie with him like this, scowling at me. "No new messages."

"Ha ha, very funny Alex." He rolls his eyes.

"Why have you never worn these before?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"It's called contacts."

"So why don't you wear those now?"

"Because I just got out the shower and I can't be bothered. Don't glasses shame me, bitch."

"I wouldn't dare." I laugh.

time skip bc its still a filler

I chew nonchalantly on the toothbrush in my mouth. My phone keeps buzzing after I posted that selfie. Apparently the internet is going wild over it.

Probably because a) its the first thing I've posted of us being a couple. Oppps. John posted a bit, y'know gotta keep up the publicity or whatnot. Not to mention we're both verified. And b) John's wearing glasses. It's actually really funny.

I pull out my phone finally, I've had enough I'm just gonna turn my notifs off. I open it and it opens to the comments for some reason. I must have been looking at them. The top comment is John, unsurprisingly.

LaurensInThePlaceToBe: ha ha, real funny babe.

I laugh to myself and pin the comment. It kinda made my heart jump to see him call me babe, probably because we're just friends. It means nothing right.



I absentmindedly click on his profile, switching the toothbrush to the other side of my mouth.

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