✨28 ~Oh Boy✨

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*cracks knuckles* oh boy, this is where the plot begins to pick up again so i suggest you buckle your seatbelts

"I'll be back soon, ok?" John says, smiling at me.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I laugh.

"You sure? You can always call me if you want." He knows how much I hate being alone.

John is going to go stay at his sisters for a day roughly, leaving me here. Of course I was slightly bummed, but I wasn't going to make him stay back.

"Don't worry, I know." I smile lovingly at him. The fact he cares meant a lot. (LADIES, GET YOURSELF A MAN WHO CARES LIKE THAT (or a woman or whatever (i say that like i'm not gay)))

"Mkay, I'll be back in a day as a bit." He leans in and kisses me on the cheek, before opening the door.

"Have fun, stay safe!" I call out as he smiles at me one last time, and walks out, shutting the door. "I love you..." I whisper.

Ugh, just a second to late! Fuck sake, I always get too scared to say it. Why am I such a pussy, arg-

time skip and John's POV

"So, cmon, tell me about your boyfriend." Martha teases, leaning towards me, and I pull a face at her, sticking my spoon in my ice cream tub.

"What why? Are you trying to girl talk me?"

"No! Maybe... It's just you didn't tell anyone, not even me."

"Well you know Francis-"

"Of course, I'm joking. But cmon, you haven't said anything about him!"

I sigh, and glance at the TV, playing Clueless. Martha is one of the few people, apart from Alex, who will watch old films with me.

"Well I mean what's there to talk about. You've seen the news."

"Oh yes, I've seen it all." She winks and I know what she's talking about.

"No! I mean, that wasn't, I didn't-"

She laughs at my flustering and I pout at her. She also knows everything about stuff like that.

"I'm surprised you did that."

"So am I."

"Sooo, tell me about him!"

"God, Maz, do we have to?"

"Yes! I want to know about your love life! The last thing you told me was you were dating Francis!"

"Fine. I mean it's Alex, what more do you want me to say?"

"Tell me about him! Is he nice? Is he funny?"

"Well I mean yeah, he's nice. He's sweet, he's really sweet. He's always like, cautious. And he's funny. He makes these really shitty puns, and then laughs at them. It's cute, y'know? And he's just... he's so different to Francis. You'd have to walk on eggshells around him. But Alex... if I just look at him he'll smile at me like I gave him the world. And he just... I love the way he smiles. It's just so... he's just so... gah, it's hard to put it into words. He's just so... perfect..." I hug my knees.

"Ok so the way you talk about him you either wanna fuck him or marry him. And I suggest you do both." I had forgotten she was there to be honest.

"Maz!" I yell at her, hitting her with my pillow.

"I just telling the truth!"

She's about to open her mouth to speak again, but there's an almost distant sound of yelling. She looks at the wall and rolls her eyes, and tried to speak again but is interrupted.

She sighs and gets up, "Brb." I turn my attention back to Cher.

Martha's POV

I slam open the door to Mary's room, and see her starting at her computer, holding her mic.

"Listen up, you good for nothing, worthless whore bag son of a bitch, I'm gonna-"


She jumps, surprised, and turns to me, smiling.  "Oh hey Maz!"

I sigh, biting my lip slightly. "Can you just, can you maybe keep it down a bit? Your brother and I are talking."


"No. No yelling. Shut up. Please."

"Ugh fine."

John's POV


"I'm sure you're fine!"

"Martha please!"

She audibly sighs and comes back in, spots the spider and gives me a look. "It's tiny-"

"That's what she said."

"I'll remove it if you never say those words again."

"No deal."

We look at each other for about a full 10 seconds, not saying anything. She then sighs and walks forward, picking up the spider with her bare fucking hands, and throws it out the window.

"Happy now?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Who the fuck even are you?"

Rolling her eyes, she sits down next to me, and looks over at the TV, before back at me. "Who rescues the spiders now?"

"Well Alex does it of course. Francis would laugh at me, but Alex laughs at me and then takes it out."

"See? Dream man."

"Whatever you say."

"Honestly though, if I'm not at least like a bridesmaid or a maid of honour or some shit I'm going mental."

"Maz, we're not getting married.... yet."

"Yet! See! Make me a maid of honour or I'll fill your room with spiders."

"Excuse you, don't even joke."

"Big, hairy ones."

"That what she sa-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence."


"No buts."

i don't like how fast this story is progressing like oh no. why cant we all just take it slow and relax and turn on the radio-

no but fr..... we both need to get ready bc here comes the major plot point for the book

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