q & a YAY

118 15 68

1st of all, ty for the questions they were fun

2nd of all, kisses

3rd of all

Can you wish me happy birthday in 14 days?

uh fuck yeah


ummm, i cant answer that

fill it in for urself

Hey Alex, pasta or muffins?

alex: muffins bc theyre like tiny baby cupcakes except huge. like unevolved pokemon

John, do you like the taste of blood?

john: oh fuck yeah

alex: thats concerning

ALL OF YOU have you ever got a concussion?

fuck yeah and there's a story ok bc year 4 games day thats somehow not sports day and on the first game, netball, i get pushed and fall flat on my face, i cut both my knees like off, and my eyebrow, so i got a concussion. went to a&e and got stitches it was so cool apparently they had to wash my blood off the playground with a hose

john: yeah too many times to count its funny

alex: a few probably idk

john what's ur fav film

john: uh, probably dirty dancing. but i havent showed it to alex yet bc sex scenes are like... awkward

alex ur fav film

alex: ew dont make me pick an old one. ummm, i dont know john has shown me so many. maybe beauty and the beast? or that one gay disney one that hasnt come out yet in ur time

both of u fav songs

john: since u been gone by kelly clarkson. no i dont take constructive criticism

alex: no i am not picking some dumb old one. grow up out of the 21st century

author how did u come up with the idea for pretty list

aw fuck noooo 😭😭😭 i was scared this question was gonna come up bc i dont knowwwwww. i probably just saw smth like it and daydreamed it out and did a me and came up with something too complicated for a fan fic

alex how do u feel abt john

alex: yk the answer to that question already so dont even-

john: ....

alex: istg i'll beat up whoever asked that

john how do u feel about alex

john *alex stepped out the room*: i mean like, hes cool i suppose? what do you mean how do i feel about him? i like him i guess. i live with him its not like i cant not like him. plus hes kinda cute but dont tell him i said that

john do u like alex ;))

john: uh, yeah... hes nice, yk... why the winky face y'all are scaring me

john and alex do either of u snore

john: i fucking hope not

alex: no but john talks in his sleep sometimes. scares the shit out of me

john: wait really what did i say?!

alex, blushing: ummmmmm

also, who sleeps the less

alex: yeah probably me

john: alex no doubt about it. sometimes i have to drag him to get to bed. im considering bribes. or threats. or i could just tempt him with my body

alex: do that and i will beat ur ass

also whos ree john????

john: REE WHAT IVE NEVER HEARD THAT NAME BEFORE IN MY LIFE AHAHAHAHAHA WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT *shoves alex out the room* mention that name again and i will fucking rip through that fourth wall and tear ur throat out

Questions for all characters: can u be my friend in desperately in need of friends 👉👈

all of them said yes expect for jeffershit, but you really dont need him as a friend.

Question for John: how would you describe your clothing style

john: well, it depends if im inside with alex, alone at home, or im inside with other people and at some fancy thing, or im outside with alex

at home, think tramps meets hooker. overall, sexy as fuck but very confusing

alex: i agree. not on the sexy part though

john: yea u do. if im at a fancy thing, thing tuxedo in a can

alex: not a thing

john: if i can have cheese in a spray can, i can have a tuxedo. as for outside, think 'wow that guy is so cool and super hot, i really want to learn more about him and at the same time i might piss my pants if i try to talk to him hes scary and i want to propose to him on the spot and also be in a 200k+ words slow burn fan fic thats enemies to lovers and full of fluff and sexual tension'

alex: *walks out the room*

Question for Alex: are you happy about how this fake relationship is turning out or are you still a bit salty about having to do it

alex: well, its complicated. as im sure you know *cough cough*. i um, still miss my old apartment, just me and socks. but, as johns house is so big, i also get to be alone too which is nice. and sometimes john gets lost but you know. and really, not much has changed.

let me compare two scenarios so you guys can just see

once, in my apartment, socks walked in with a mouse in her mouth, jumped on the table where i was on my laptop, started at me for a full 30 seconds, and then jumped out the window.

and once, john walked downstairs with a toaster waffle in his mouth, made eye contact with me, opened the fridge, took out a like litre bottle of lemonade, made eye contract with me again for a full thirty seconds, then went back upstairs 

so all in all,

its pretty much the same.

except for the fact that i.... *shoves john out the room* got a crush on him but yk 😅

Question for the author: not really a question but holy shamoly you better be proud of yourself for this did honestly it's such a cool concept and I love it and I love the whole vibe and I'm always so happy when it updates because it's such a great story uh yeah just thought you should know that because you're amazing and you deserve the world :) ❤❤❤

not me crying rn 😭😭🤪🤪but it means everything to me that u love the pretty list, istg i was so nervous about posting it bc i had worked on it for months and im still super scared-

john, why?


john: yes

do john and alex end up together in the end?

it's a fan fic tf do u think

j know that i cried at the ending, in my opinion it is the perfect balance of fluff and angst

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