✨23 ~ Fluff For My Soul✨

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i'm back on the fillers like a drug 😔

and as i present to you some of the most filler fillers i've ever written, imma open a q&a (me or characters) , open for this chapter and the next only, might do and other at the end, before we dissolve into a slight act two. not too pressed abt this one, idrm so ask away ig

Alex's POV

I slowly turn the page of my book, getting a paper cut and hissing in pain, trying very hard not to swear loudly because it is like 2 in the morning.

And I don't want to wake up John.

We decided it was a very smart plan to not go outside for a few week, given all the buzz, and somehow that was still exhausting.

I glance over at John as he rolls over in his sleep, mumbling incoherently about something. I smile to myself.

He was asleep, and he still looked so goddamned fucking adorable, and it hurt me physically. My face tints red and I finally pull my eyes away. Don't get me wrong, I still want my own bed, but it's nice to share.

I'll let you in on a secret that I've probably, almost definitely said before. I hate being alone. So much. I don't know how I managed before, that's why I got Socks. But I was still miserable. I've always hated being left alone, I could never stand the thought of being lonely. It's still nice to know that John's here. I don't suspect he'll leave me any time soon.

I hope.

I shut my book quietly, putting it back on my bedside table, and sighing slightly. I lie back down, thinking.

How did I get here?

How did I even get here?

A few months ago I would have laughed in your face if you had told me I'd be in the exact position I'm in. Now I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Remember how reluctant and scared I was at the beginning, the first time I ever met him? Remember how I didn't want to look at John, that I didn't want to touch him, I was too afraid to speak to him? Remember how serious I was? That was funny.

To be truthful I never thought much of him, I never really gave him a second thought. I never really cared much for the Pretty List, I hardly even knew who the Top 10 were. It surprised me to learn that people knew them off by heart, and obsessed over John. I suppose I kind of thought he was obnoxious. But now he's everything.

It often slips my mind that John killed someone. It's hard to picture him with enough malice to do that, to take away someone's life like that. When I first saw him, sitting alone in that interrogation room, he looked emotionless. Like he didn't care. I cant picture him doing that still. He's often really nice to me, and kind. I could never see him doing something like that.

He's too... he's just too nice.

Maybe I'm just falling for his tricks that he shows for everyone else, the emotions he displays for everyone else to witness.


No, I've become pretty good at knowing which are real and which are fake. Though its hard, but you can always tell in the small glint of an eye, a flick of a wrist, something tiny that gives it away. John's turned me into a full on Sherlock Holmes.

John mumbles again in his sleep, and I watch as he groans and his face distorts, him becoming distressed. I frown to myself.

"Alex..." He murmurs and my I blush again as I watch him reach out to me.

I blink, before realising he's still asleep and move towards him, letting his arms wrap around me. He was warm, and he pressed his face into my chest like some sort of automatic reaction. I fumble around for words, suddenly forgetting the ability to talk.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm here," I whisper, finally gathering the words I needed to find, and with that he seems to go back into a peaceful sleep.


Well, I suppose I'm stuck now.

I mean it's not so bad, I'm stuck in his arms.

Wow ok, I sound very helpless.

Maybe I am.

Maybe he is.

He seemed so small in those few moments, reaching out towards me.

"Hey Alex...?" John mumbles, and I freeze for a moment before realising he was still talking in his sleep. He's going to give me a heart attack I swear.


"Promise me you wont leave me?"

Wow, ok that hit me right in the feels. Does he think I'll leave him? Does he expect me to just walk out? Wow. I swear, I never would and I never will.

"Leave you?"

"Yeah, promise me?" He mumbles, before sighing slightly, but only in a cute sleepy way.

I smile, leaning back, as my fingers reach up and automatically curl up in his hair.

"I promise."

hold on to ur seats ladies and gents and, uh, uhhhhhhhhhhh, o t h e r s, bc we may and may not be descending into act 2 soon so be prepared for some fluff while I mentally prepare myself

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