4: Story Time

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Roman's POV

SONG: Lullaby for A Princess
By: WarpOut

"I can take her back now, kiddo. Besides, I bet she needs to eat." Patton says. Virgil softly hands over his baby sister. When Patton has her, she begins to whine and cry and beg for Virgil. Patton shushes her, but it does nothing. Logan sighs.

"Let me take her. She might need a nap." Logan says, but Patton doesn't respond to his words. Logan grabs softly for Chloe, but Patton keeps her close to his chest. I sigh as I remember when Remus and I used to throw fits before we went to bed as kids. Mom would walk one of us to bed, tell us her version of a story, leave then dad would come in and tell us his own version of the story. It had the same concept and was the same story, just told differently.

"How about I try holding her." I suggested to Patton. Patton didn't react to me. I tapped him on the shoulder. He finally looked at me with his peaceful face. I suggested again that I hold her. Patton was hesitant and looked at Logan for approval. He shrugged. Patton looked at me again and softly handed Chloe to me. She didn't like me holding her at first.

"Chloe, I wanna tell you a story." I said. This sorta got her attention, but not enough. She still struggled. I hugged her tighter and closer. She tired out and gave up.

"What?" She snapped at me.

"I wanna tell you a story that my parents told me. I think you'll like it. My mom told me a different version than my dad, but it was the same story." I said. She looked at me confused. I had her attention. "Wanna hear it?" I asked her. She nodded. I cleared my throat. This was the story my dad told me and Remus as kids.

"Once upon a time, in a magical land called the Imagination, there were two royal twin brothers who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the youngest twin, used his red magic to raise the sun at dawn. The oldest twin used his green magic to bring out the moon and begin the night. Thus, the two twins maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects. But, as time went on, the oldest twin became resentful. The people relished and played in the day of the Red Brother. They loved and worshipped him. Yet, they slept through the Green Brothers' beautiful night. They were curious of his actions and wondered what kind of future he would bring for the kingdom. So, one fateful day, the older twin refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The youngest twin, tried to reason with him, but the bitterness in the older one's heart had transformed him into a wicked person of darkness. He vowed that he would shroud the land in eternal darkness and night. Reluctantly, the younger twin harnessed the most powerful magic known to the land. The Elements of Light. Using the magic from the Elements of Light, he defeated his older twin brother and he ran away. Only to land permanently in the Kingdom of the Cursed. The Red Brother, or the younger one, took on responsibility for both the sun and mood and harmony had been maintained in the Imagination since." I finished. Chloe looked like she enjoyed that story. She seemed a little tired though.

"Elements of Light. I feel like I've heard that somewhere before." Logan said.

"You have." I respond. Logan, Patton and Virgil looked at me shocked. I chuckle and see Chloe bounce a little as I do, which makes me laugh even more. "Yeah, they're: Creativity, Passion, Logic, Integrity, Morality and Empathy." I explain.

"Wait, you have Creativity, Logan has Logic, I have Morality...who has Passion, Integrity and Empathy?" Patton asks me. I shrug.

"I don't know." I respond.

"Tell me the other version!" Chloe says. I laugh. Patton sighs at how rude she sounded. Logan and Virgil did nothing. I clear my throat again. She lays her head on my chest and listens to my voice as I tell her the version of the story my mother told me.

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