25: Slipping Away

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Remus' POV

Song: Someone You Loved
By Lewis Capaldi

"Molly!" I scream, trying my best to shake my brother awake. "DO SOMETHING!" I scream. I don't stop the tears from falling down like a river. I don't know how to describe my feelings right now. Angry, stressed, fearful, nervous and shaken. I just got my brother back, I can't lose him again.

"There's nothing I can do, Remus!" Molly claims, seeming just as nervous. If she can't do anything, I pray and hope that there's someone who can.

I pick Roman up, bridal style. I run to Midnight and climb on top of her. Molly looks confused. She climbs on top of Carmel and follows me to TipTon. The town we were at before. I know it's a ways away, but I just need Roman to stay with me till then. He's the only piece of family I have left.

Holding Roman's head up with my left arm and wrapping my right arm around his waist, gripping Midnight's reins, I keep yelling at Midnight to hurry up. She can go much faster, I know she can. Roman's blood drips from his mouth and I cry. Tears fall onto his bloody clothes. He clenches his wound and I cry even more. I can't hide my loud sobs and pleas for him to stay with me.

"Remus, he'll be fine. You have to trust me." Molly shouts at me.

"NO!" I scream at her. She doesn't get it. She's an only child. She still has both her parents, she's never had multiple friends and then have them leave, even after they promised they wouldn't. She doesn't get it and she never will. "I just got him back, I'm not losing him again, Molly!" I scream, my voice cracking and shaking.

I see Molly pull Carmel in front of me. Midnight almost stands up so tall that Roman and I almost fall off. We don't, thank God, but now I'm pissed even more with her. What does it take for her to stop? What does it take to get it through her thick skull that I just want to save the only piece of family I have left.

"MOVE!" I shout at her. She doesn't move. I try to pull Midnight to go around her, but Molly follows me there too. "MOVE, BITCH!" I shout at her. She still doesn't.

"Where do you want to go?" She asks me. I look at her confused.

"Now isn't the time for clarifications, Molleigha. Let me get through. Roman's life is on the line!" I scream, shout and curse her out. She remains calm.

"Where do you want to go?" She asks again, calm yet stern. I glare at her with the most evil glare. I'm ready to kill her. "Where do you want to go?" She repeats. I sigh, parts of my face feeling dry with past tears.

"TipTon." I say. "NOW LET ME GO!" I rush past her, but she manages to grab my arm and we arrive at the town. Molly rushes to the town without another word. I get confused, but I don't waste any time. I follow her. People back out of the way of our horses. I hear screams and shouts of surprise. I don't care. I look down at Roman and he's gone limp. I cry out.

"NO! ROMAN!" I scream. I cradle him closer to my chest, holding the last piece of family blood I have left. The thought of losing him takes over my mind. I take my left hand and stroke his hair out of his face. Blood got into his hair.

The idea of him actually leaving me...the thought of going to his funeral and seeing his limp body...seeing Virgil more depressed than anxious...seeing Patton and Logan sob...seeing Janus look like they don't care, but they really do...knowing Thomas will never be creative again. No more Instagram, fun Twitter sayings, no more Sanders Sides. It'll all be gone. I can't have that happen. I can't.

"Here." Molly says. She hops off Carmel before he even stops. She guides him to a pole and ties him up. I still have Roman, afraid to move. Molly helps me down and I rush inside as she ties Midnight to the pole.

"HELP!" I scream. Everyone stares at me, but I don't care. I'm used to it. "My brother is dying!" I say, looking at his bloody wound. The blood is all over his white clothes, his red sash, in his hair, my hands, my clothes and my legs.

"It's the king!" Someone whispers aloud, covering their mouth and looking at me holding my brother. People come back with a stretcher and I place Roman on it. He doesn't respond to anything. They take him away, me following before someone stops me.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," They tell me, holding their hand out in front of me. They look desperate and pitiful. "We can't have you distracting us while we save your brother." I ignore this and try to push through, but they stop me.

"Let me through! That's my brother! PLEASE!" I beg, nearly falling to the floor in despair. The person eventually stops me, apologizes and leaves to find my brother. I place a hand to my mouth, the other clutching my heart and cry. I see strands of my gray and brown hair fall in front of my face. My heart pounded in my chest, as I weep silently, crying for my brother. I walk to the exit, my tears falling onto the floor. I open the door and run to the cliff.

"REMUS!" I hear Molleigha call for me, but I don't stop. I can't stop. I just wanna run forever.

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