15: Some Catching Up

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Molly’s POV

SONG: Gingerbread Man
By: Melanie Martinez

I sat side saddle behind Roman on his horse. My left arm is around his waist. I talk to Remus about my childhood. I was actually heading back to the kingdom to see Remus, and I didn’t expect to see him on my journey back. This was much better, actually. It also sucks I didn’t get to see him crowned king since my family moved, but I hope he’s doing great!

“Yeah, since we moved I’ve got into more witchcraft. I fail at most of my spells, but it’s fun.” I explain.

“Is your school like Hogwarts?” Roman asks me. I laugh.

“Sorta, actually, yeah.” I say. “I learned the regular things too, of course. Math, ELA, Science, World History, History, etc. Yet, I also managed to fit in the witchcraft things.” I explain. Remus looks very interested. I was always more interested in the things Remus was interested in. Don’t get me wrong, I love Roman and I love the things he’s into. I just agree with Remus most of the time.

“I was going to come back to the kingdom to say “Hi”, but apparently you guys made it easier for me.” I say, smiling and wrapping both of my arms around Roman now. I fix my hat a bit too.

“Well, here we are.” Remus says placing one hand out, showing himself off. I giggle a little. Man, did I miss these guys. They were my other halves. Plus Janus.

“How’s Janus? Whatever happened to their scales? How’s that turning out for them? What’re they doing?” I ask, very curious. I haven't seen Janus in what feels like a million years. Remus smiles.

“They’re amazing! We’re dating!” Remus says happily. I smile from ear to ear and squeal. I place my head on Roman’s back, squeezing him a bit. I have to admit, my heart does drop a little. I’ve always had a small crush on Remus. Just a small one.

“SHUT UP! Remus, that’s great!” I exclaim. Roman chuckles.

“Yeah, I know. Janus is pretty badass, too. They still have their scales and I don’t think they’re as insecure about it anymore, but I’m not sure. They never said. Some people actually like their scales. Like me. I find them sexy for some odd reason. They just suit them well. Also, Janus is helping me run my kingdom.” He says. I notice Remus pause at the last sentence and cringe slightly. The side of his mouth tilts up a bit to form a face that looks like he’s hiding something. Yet, I don’t say anything about it.

“Well, that’s great! I’m glad that Janus has everything. Since, you know, he...they got teased for everything as a kid.” I say. I sigh roughly at myself for having to correct Janus’ pronouns.

“That’s okay, Molly. It happens and it takes some getting used too.” Roman tells me. I smile and place my head on his back again, resting my head. My hat tilts at an awkward angle, but as long as it doesn’t fall off, I don’t care.

“Yeah, Janus does have a lot now. They sure showed everyone who’s boss, you know.” Remus told me. He sounded awkward. I lifted my head and looked confused at him. I fixed my hat with my arm, then placed it back around Roman’s waist.

“So, what’s with the kingdom, Remus? How’s it going?” I asked, interested. Remus shrugged. “You don’t know? How could you not know?” I asked, chuckling a bit. I tried my best to get the awkwardness out of the air, but it didn’t do much. I think I just made it worse with my chuckle to be honest.

“The kingdom is doing fine, Molly. Nothing new has happened.” Roman tells me. I look at the back of his head. He’s got pretty brown hair.

“Oh.” I say. I look back over at Remus. He looks forward and has no emotion or expression on his face. Maybe a tint of anger, but I can’t be sure from the side. “You said that I had a lot to catch up on. What happened when I left at age 14?” I asked. Roman and Remus looked at each other, like they were giving the other permission to say something or they weren’t sure who was supposed to say it.

“What happened?” I asked, getting impatient and extremely nervous.

“Our parents died when we were 15, Molly. They said they wanted to go to the Dark Land, and they died on the way there. Then, before Remus was crowned, I told him a few concerns and he got pissy. We fought, he left, I got to become King. Remus isn’t king of The Imagination.” Roman looked at me when he says, “I am”. Then he turned back around.

If I could explain how much dread that brought me, I would tell you. But it was so much there are no words for it. I wish there was, because then I could say, but I can’t. My heart just dropped onto the floor and I left it there as we continued to walk along the path to wherever they’re going. I felt terrible and that may be the reason for this awkwardness in the air. Perhaps this is the reason they seem very stuck-up with each other.

These aren’t the boys I remember. I think to myself. These boys...these boys have changed drastically.

“Look, I know you probably feel bad, Molly, but don’t. We’ve finally got everything under control. No worries,” Roman finished.

“No fights,” Remus continued.

“No more bickering with each other. We’ve never been better.” Roman turned around and smiled at me, but it seemed forced. He turned back around and I looked at Remus. Same thing. I wish I could crawl into these boys’ hearts and tell them that I love them and force them to make amends, but I know better. That would only make things worse. You can’t ever force two people to be friends. Some people click and others don’t. I can tell it’s really hard for Roman to be close to someone who’s so distant.

I decide to leave them alone on the rest of their journey before anything else happens or I ruin something. I hop off the horse and Roman stops immediately. Him and his horse turned to me faster than I could’ve said his name. Remus was looking back at me too confused. I patted down my dress a bit and wiped off some hair and dust off of my cloak before I looked up at the Royal Brothers.

“Well, I better get going. I’ll head back to the castle and find Janus. I don’t wanna ruin your guys’ journey.” I say with a smile that seemed so forced to me it almost stabbed my cheeks. Remus looked guilty, like he wanted me to stay. I didn’t respond to it though. Roman continued to look at me with concern.

“Do you want to join us?” Roman asked me. I looked up at him, holding my hat so it doesn’t leave my head with the soft breeze of the wind. I look confused but happy almost. Hopeful that he’s serious.

“Really?” I ask, smirking a little. I look at Remus and he’s looking at Roman. Remus’ face is calm, but shows a little smile.

“Sure,” Roman said, reaching his hand towards me for me to take. I look at his soft hand, then back at him. “You’re an old friend and we wanna hang out with you more. Besides, we haven’t seen you in what feels like forever. Join us.” I smile and look at Remus. He’s finally looking at me. Same face he made at Roman. No change.

I look back at Roman, my eyes glow up. I take his hand and pray that he doesn’t notice all my blood rushing to my face, hopefully not making it redder than his sash. I continue to sit side saddle, my arms around Roman’s waist, my head resting on his back.

“I hope you don’t mind that I’m joining, Remus. Also, I hope you don’t mind that I’m resting my head on your back, Roman.” I say looking at them when I talked to them.

“No,” Remus said monotone. I couldn’t tell if he wanted me there or not. He seemed angry at something. “You should stay. I’m in desperate need of some therapy and spending some time with you might be all the therapy I need.” Remus says. He cringes at his own words and I laugh.

“No, I don’t mind Molly. As long as you’re comfortable.” Roman says, interrupting my thoughts.

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