20: Prometheus' Lesson

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Roman's POV

TW: A small mention of suicide

"Okay," I say lightly. I press my hands together and take a deep breath. Molly stands next to me and places a hand on my back. I don't react to it, but secretly I thank her. She places her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her. I look up and that chandelier is ready to fall. A part of me hopes it breaks and kills me. The other half of me tells that part of my brain to not think like that.

(Unfortunately, only a Side Hunter can kill us Sides. They're cruel, play dirty and will do anything to kill us.

Side Hunters have a certain kind of knife that can kill us, otherwise nothing works. Yet, a Side Hunters' (AKA Side Killers), job is to kill us. When they've managed to kill all Sides that belong to a certain person, the "host" (or in my case...Thomas), will become broken, sad, lonely and depressed. Inevitably ending in the hosts' death, due to suicide. We're not sure why they want to kill us, it's just a thing all Sides know.

Everyone has Sides. Everyone. Some are different than others because everyone has a different personality. But, everyone has them. Some Sides are just more open to others.)

"Sometimes, Roman, the best actions can anger someone else." His mother told him. Roman was eating and he was arguing with Logan about a small thing. Logan told Roman not to give Patton a piece of his dessert, because he made one on it's own for Patton. Roman didn't know this and gave half of his dessert to Patton. Logan got upset, and it led to a waste of goods.

"But, it makes no sense. Logan didn't tell me he made Patton his own cookie cake. Besides, I didn't know his mom was a baker." Roman mumbled the last sentence. His mother cleared her throat and flipped her hair back slightly. Her long dress dripped onto the floor. It always shocked Roman how she never tripped on it all the time.

"Let me tell you a story, Roman." She said. Roman crossed his arms, not really in the mood for a story.

"You know the Greek Gods, right?" She asked him. Roman nodded, looking confused. "Well, one day, the Greek God Zeus, gave gifts to all the gods, but he didn't care much for humans. The Titan, Prometheus, however, felt sorry for the humans because he loved them so much. So much that he climbed up on Olympus and stole the fire from the smith god: Hephaestus' workshop. Prometheus put it in a hollow reed and gifted it to the humans. This way, the humans could create fire, warm up and make tools of their own. Zeus became furious when he heard about this, though. He took Prometheus to a high mountain, the Caucasus, and chained him to a rock with thick chains made by Hephaestus himself. And every day, Zeus would send an eagle that ate Prometheus' liver. For thirty years Prometheus remained bound on that mountain, until the great hero Hercules, Zeus' demigod son, released him from his torment."

"That's a brutal story." Roman said softly. His mother laughed.

"Yes, it is. But you see, it's a lesson. Sometimes, when you try to do something nice for someone else, it could anger the other person. That doesn't mean that they're gonna tie you to a rock and send an eagle to eat you for the next thirty years. But, it does mean that you should be aware of others' feelings and to keep hope anyway in what you stand for."

I always loved the Greek gods. The stories, the gods and goddesses, the lessons, everything. Just learning about it made me happy. When my mother first told me that story, I found it so odd. But, when I told Logan that he hadn't told me that he made his own for Patton, Logan admitted that there was a lack of communication there and that it was his fault. We made up eventually, and told Patton about it. We ended up sharing the cookie cake (since we knew Patton wasn't gonna eat the whole thing by himself).

"Alright." I say, turning to Remus. My brother has a new book in his hand and is flipping through the pages. Molly chuckles. It blows my mind at just how oblivious he can be sometimes. Seriously.

"I'll take this side to look at Intrusive Thoughts. Remus, Molly...you guys take the right." I say, walking to the left side of the little library. My words have interested a peak in Remus.

"What? But, Intrusive Thinking is my thing." Remus says, putting the book back on the shelf and walking towards me a little.

"Remus and Molly...you take the right." I say sternly, pointing to where I want them to go. Remus groans, but Molly takes him by the arm and they journey on their own. She looks back at me, smiles and then faces forward.

I go to look at Intrusive Thoughts because maybe I can figure out how Remus can benefit Thomas in the long run. I'm not doing it for my own fun.

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