11: Mother's Journal

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SONG: Let it Be
By: The Beatles

"Why don't you read from Mother's journal a bit, Remus." Roman asks as he pulls out the apple from the TipTon hotel and bar. Roman hears Remus shuffle through his satchel.

Remus pulls out their mother's journal and marvels at how beat up and dusty it looks. Remus isn't sure, but there may be some tears or water droplets spread out on the cover. The cover is torn slightly. He opens it, and starts to read out loud:

This Journal Belongs Too: Madeline Sanders

Note: No one but me is allowed to read this. Unless, something happens to me, then give this to my two beautiful sons: Remus and Roman Sanders.

"Do you want me to start from somewhere near the end?" Remus asks. Roman shrugs. Remus realizes that there isn't a lot in here anyway. He remembered that his mother never really got the chance to write.

When Remus does begin reading, it's mainly about his mother complaining about being Queen and all the responsibilities, never really getting any rest and her face always hurting at the end of the day from smiling. She reminded herself that she loved the kingdom anyway and would do anything to keep the village and all of the land happy. Roman laughed a lot, agreeing with her most of the time. Remus could understand the struggle, but he doesn't laugh. Remus got to the point in their journal where she wrote (still speaking aloud):

December 13, 2001

Zachery and I had to watch our children spar each other again. At first, I was amazed at how well they fought and how long each of them lasted. Yet, I had noticed that Roman always won. Remus looked so determined each time and he was so into it, like a true king. Yet, Roman always beat him, with what he seemed took no effort. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of Roman, it's just that...Remus puts in just as much effort as Roman does, maybe even a little more, so it's confusing for me that Roman takes his brother down so easily. Maybe Remus isn't really trying? I have no idea what goes on in those boys' heads anymore.

Remus stopped reading. He wanted to throw into a fit of rage and yell at Roman. Remus had always been beaten up by Roman in sparring ever since they learned how to fight. Remus wanted to read a page where his mother had praised him, but it was always Roman who she mentioned doing the best. Roman noticed Remus' absence in reading and turned to face him, Carmel still walking.

"You okay?" Roman asks, tossing the core of the apple to the side. He looked at Remus worried. Remus said nothing, and looked up at Roman, smiling. He nods, without saying a word, looks back down and continues to read again.

June 21, 2002

It's Remus and Roman's birthday! They're both 14 now and I'm so proud of how far Remus has come with being king, actually. They both got showered with presents. Not just from me and Zachery, but from the whole kingdom. Food, toys, clothes, etc. It was so much they both refused to take anymore, feeling bad. It makes me happy that they're both adored by the kingdom so much.

Speaking of which, Remus has been doing so well in becoming king when he turns 18. Most kingdoms, like Britain, only let the person who's next in line wait for the person who has the crown now, to die, but that's not how we run things here. If Zachery and I think that Remus isn't ready, we'll hold the coronation and train him more, but he's done magnificent so far.

Roman has been doing the same. He doesn't do too much, other than make public appearances with the rest of us, but other than that, it's funny watching him when Remus has to practice for his speech when he becomes king. Roman has already memorized every word and when Remus speaks, Roman walks back and forth, watching his brother for fun. That boy has far too much free time in his hands, I envy it.

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