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Remus' POV

Song: Gasoline
By Halsey

I sighed to myself softly while I stared ahead, looking at the back of Molly and Roman's heads. To me, I think Molly won't like being back at home. I'm nervous. I don't think Patton, Logan or even Virgil is gonna be happy to see me. Well, maybe Virgil. I don't annoy him as bad as Janus does. I chuckle at the thought of it.

Now, I want to read a little bit of the book that we got from the Library. Maybe the part that breaks down the Green Brother? Because the Green Brother is pretty much me.

I bend down to the backpack that's wrapped around Midnight, open it and fumble through some other useless items at this point, to find The Tale of Two Brothers. I still hold onto Midnight's reins, but I'm not as worried about it. She knows where we're headed now. We're just a few hours away from home, actually.

I open the book and read silently in my head. "The Green Brother was never supposed to be an enemy. He was a person who never got saved. He's so different from his twin because there needs to be balance." I've realized that I'm like the way I am due to the story. Roman was right. We are the story. We are the myth and this story is about us. Although...I still have one question.

Why is it me and Roman? Why am I like this, and why isn't Roman? I mean, can't Roman and I be the same, and still have opposite sides? I just don't understand why we're so different.

I've asked this before, and now I think is a good time to ask Roman and see what he thinks. I'd look it up in the book, but I don't think the book would provide me with answers about such a picky question.

"Roman," I ask from behind him. He doesn't turn to face me, but he does perk his head up a bit to let me know he's listening. "Why is it me and you? Why are we like the way we are?"

"I guess it's just fate, Remus." Roman said, light-heartedly. That's the one thing I didn't want to hear. That's too cheesy.

"That doesn't seem fair. For us to not know." I say.

"Yet, the vision was of us. We are the story." Roman says, kindly.

"Guess it was just meant to be." Molly says sweetly. Her and Roman chuckle. I wanna ask Roman a few other questions. Questions I asked, but he never answered.

"Roman," I ask. He peeks his head up again. "Why do you get everything and I get nothing?" I ask. Roman looks back at me, confused. I think he remembers me asking him this question before we left to go on this journey. We were in the Castle and in Mom's Study Room.

"Remus, I don't know. I don't think I get everything and you get nothing. At least you have your own kingdom to run now, right? One that follows almost everything you enjoy." Roman says. Of course he doesn't notice the difference. He's too busy being fed and given everything.

"How come whenever I want something, you take it away?" I ask. I'm not sounding rude when I speak. I'm just very monotone and bland. I appreciate how Roman isn't losing his temper with me on this. Maybe it's because he's in a good mood.

"I never tried to take anything away from you, Remus. Those things just happened." He speaks softly. I see Molly talk to him softly.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Remus. I never really considered looking at things from your point of view, and that's my fault." Roman says. I sigh. "I'm sorry you never got or get your fair share of things because I always take it."

"I never get my fair share of anything because you always take it!" I shout.

I remember that. Then Roman responded with: "Remus, why do you have Mother's journal?" and I remember it annoying me so bad. Yet, what Roman said, I'm sorry you never got or get your fair share of things because I always take it. Shows me that Roman was listening, he just never responded. Why is my brother so complicated?

"It's...fine." I say. This one time I'll let it go. He listened to me before when I argued before we left the kingdom and that's enough. It bothers me that he didn't respond, but he probably just didn't want to argue with me at the moment.

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