10: Hotel and Bar

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SONG: Castle
By: Halsey

The twins finally go to their destination. Roman looks up and smiles. In bold golden letters, the sign swaying slightly reads: Tipton Hotel and Bar.

"It'd be nice to grab a drink." Remus says, tying up Carmel and Midnight to a post. Midnight cuddles close to Carmel, but Carmel doesn't seem to be liking it. Remus laughs. He pats Carmel's neck slightly.

"Yeah, that's the spirit, Remus!" Roman says, holding the door open for his brother. Remus walks in and stops suddenly. Roman walks in and notices the ridiculed looks at Remus, but he doesn't look like he noticed. He does slightly take Remus by the wrist and guide him to the bar wall. They sit and Roman sees Remus look around. He can tell people still are giving him rude looks. Roman takes a moment to look around the place himself. There are tables and chairs everywhere. There are people who are eating while minding their own business, people who are giving Remus nasty glares and glances, people are smiling while looking at Roman and some who have to give him second glances. The walls are a beautiful shade of brown. The walls just appear to be made of a dark wood. The floor is the same, just a lighter color. The walls have beautiful pieces of art works and maps that show the kingdom. The tables are a cinnamon color, with white cloth over it. The chairs are the same as the table, just without the white.

Who Roman assumes is the bartender, who's wiping the table down while holding a glass that's still half full, finally looks at him. Well, they look at him, look back down, then looks at him again. They set the glass down behind them on the counter in the middle of the bar wall, put their cloth in their apron and rushed over to the twins. The bartender had curly hair that reached down to their cheekbones, havana brown colored hair, hazel eyes, a fairly built person, and had warm ivory skin. They wore a white shirt, a white apron covered in food and stains and brown pants also covered in a few stains. The sleeves of their shirt were wrinkled a bit.

"Your majesty, what brings you here?" They ask Roman. He smiles.

"I'm just looking for breakfast and a drink." Roman says kindly. Remus places a hand on his cheek and leans, putting most of his head weight on that hand and arm. The bartender takes out a pen and notebook.

"What would you two like to eat and drink?" They look ready to write down the twins orders.

"I could kill for some burnt pancakes." Remus says smiling. The bartender looks confused.

"Burnt...? Burnt pancakes?" They ask. Remus looks at them, glaring. His dark red eyes poke into the bartender's hazel ones. Remus smirks, showing his pointy but perfectly white teeth. Roman nudges him softly. Remus scoffs and looks back away from his brother.

"Yes, and I apologize for my brother. He'd like burnt pancakes." Roman says. The bartender still looks confused, but says nothing as they write it down. Roman can see it in their posture, they wonder why Remus is here. Of course they know the story of these two boys, and the bartender clearly wants to know what kind of fate brought them back together, but they don't ask. Soon, they bring back their warm smile.

"And what would you like, your Majesty?" They ask Roman. He smiles too.

"I'd like some pancakes and...milk, why not?" He says, chuckling and looking at Remus. He doesn't respond, so Roman clears his throat and looks back at the bartender.

"I'll get those things for you gentlemen, right away." They say. They bow their head, and walk away. Roman turned to Remus and hit his arm, his head nearly falling. Remus looked at his brother with animosity.

"What?" He asks, rudely.

"Why do you have to be so rude all the time? Jeez." Roman says, sighing and looking forward. They both cross their arms at the desk.

"Remus," Roman says, not looking at him. "What do you think happened when the Green Brother went back to the Red Brother. Remember at the end of Mom's story? It never said what the Green Brother did, exactly. It just said he was ready to go back over." Roman points out. Remus scoffs.

"Roman, who knows. It's just a legend. Why does it matter?" He says.

"Because I told the Picani's the legends, the stories our parents told us, and Virgil said that they both reminded him of me and you. Maybe this has something to do with it. Maybe we are the legend. Maybe the Green Brother went back over and made amends!" Roman says, sounding hopeful. Remus scoffs again, being his typical self.

"No. Not a chance. Mom and Dad both agreed that the Green Brother had no more love in his heart to spare anyone but himself. Besides, if he went over, he'd either died somehow on the way there, killed the Red Brother, or was killed by the Red Brother. There is no amendment making. There isn't a happy ending to every story, Roman. The better you realize that, the easier life will be." Remus tells him. He sighs. Remus thinks Roman watches too much Disney.

"You two talking about the story of The Green Brother and the Red Brother?" They hear someone from behind Roman ask. The twins turn to face them. They look to be in their 40's. Dirty slightly, and unshaven.

"Yes," Roman says. "We are." The person laughs.

"Yes, it's a legend. Yet, the person who wrote it, had a vision. He was a twin brother himself with royal blood. He got along with his twin of course, and he wasn't the king, his twin sister was. The person who wrote the story was the twin brother of the Queen. The brother had had an argument with his twin sister. When the brother went to bed, he had a vision of that story. When he woke up, he wrote it down and it became widely known. It's been passed down for generations since." They told them.

"How long has it been known? When was it written?" Roman asks.

"Around 1345." The person responded. Roman grabbed a napkin and started jotting this down (He never goes anywhere without a pen or pencil. He never knows when he's gonna need it).

"How do we know you're being serious? That what you're telling us is true?" Remus asks. Roman continued to write things down. "You know, the truth doesn't cost anything, but a lie could cost us everything right now." Roman looked at Remus so confused.

Jeez, he hangs out with Janus a little too much. Roman thought to himself.

The person laughs.

"That's a good point, your Majesty," The stranger says. "One of the worst things about being lied to, is knowing you weren't worth the truth. But, what I say is true. It's true because who else would say that to royalty. Who else would lie to the Royal Twin Brothers?"

"A stranger who's trying to ruin our mission!" Remus says. Roman clicks the pen and puts it away with the napkin. He looks at the stranger in a deathly glare he only gives certain people. The person looks taken aback.

"Don't lie to me unless you're sure I won't find out the truth. And trust me, I will." Roman says. The bartender hands Roman and Remus their things and they begin to eat without saying a word.

When Remus and Roman leave, they tip the bartender and Roman grabs an apple on the way out. He puts it in Carmel's satchel. They untie their horses and begin to walk out of town. When they make it to the beginning of the woods again, they get on their horses and head forward.

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