27: I Think It's Time We Build Some Trust

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Roman’s POV

Song: The One That Got Away
By: Katy Perry

“I just wanna see my brother.” I tell the nurse. She nods and walks out of the room. I wait for what seems like forever. I look out the window, fiddling with my fingers, waiting for my brother. My side hurts like hell when I move a lot, but I’m lucky that Remus actually stopped some of the bleeding. Well...he didn’t stop it, he just slowed it down slightly with the pressure he put on it.

“When someone’s bleeding Roman, there are a few things you must do.” My father told me. Remus put fake blood on his chest and laid on the floor. Dad and I found it funny, and Remus didn’t mind being the center of attention like that.

“When someone is bleeding, say on the chest, leg, arm or whatever,” He continued. “Apply pressure to stop the bleeding first, then clean, then disinfect.” I nodded, and always kept that in mind.

“ROMAN!” I hear. I looked towards the door and saw Remus run towards me. I hear the door slam against the wall and slowly go back to where it rests. I smile widely, more than happy that Remus is here. He wraps his arms around me and I hug him back. Remus’ arms around my shoulders feel warm, comfortable and I feel like I’m safe and at home again. He breaks away, his hands still on my arms, looking at me nervous.

“Are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay!” He screams. I chuckle.

“I’m fine, Remus. Really.” I tell him. Remus sighs and hugs me again. My wound hits me with a sharp pain as Remus’ body weight pushes me back slightly, but I don’t say anything. I just want Remus’ arms to stay around me forever. I miss him so much.

“Remus, thank you for helping me and bringing me here.” I tell him softly. Remus doesn’t let go. I can’t argue with him.

“Of course. You’re my brother and I care about you.” He says squeezing me tighter. My wound tells me that he should let me go, but I ignore it.

“Aww. That’s sweet of you, Remus.” I say, teasing him. He chuckles softly. Then let's go all together. I realize he’s sat on the edge of my bed, his legs dangling over the edge, looks at my wound and fiddles with his hands.

“Are you okay? I apologize if I hurt you just then.” He tells me. I look at my wound too, then we look back at each other. I laugh.

“It’s okay. Doctor said I should be out in a few weeks. Apparently, I lost a lot of blood that caused me to pass out.” I explained.

“Do you need surgery?” Remus asks me. I nod.

“They just haven’t done it yet because they want the wound to heal. Not fully, obviously, just stop the bleeding a little more. The cut isn't horrible, just a few bad scratches here and there.” I say. “I should be going through it tonight.” I explain. Remus looks so sad. My heart drops. It kills me to see him this way.

“I’m so sorry, Roman. I wish there was something I could’ve done.” Remus explains. I tilt my head slightly.

“There was nothing you could’ve done. You were battling your own things.” I say, trying to make him see that he did everything he could. I can’t believe that the only person who can’t see that is him.

“Roman…” he says, looking at me. I look back at him with calm eyes. “I’m glad you went on this mission with me. I couldn’t have done some things without you. Thanks.” He says. He fiddles with his fingers again. I wanna hug him again, but I also don’t wanna move and hurt my wound.

“I wanna tell you one more thing.” Remus says. I look at him interested. He's not good with mushy moments, but this is good. “I want that relationship we had back. I wanna be your friend again. I wanna be someone you can trust. I want to tell you all my secrets and everything I did everyday. I wanna hang out with you again, run wild, run free, break rules, be kids again, all that jazz. I just want the relationship I had with you back again. Can I have it back?” I look at Remus with faith hidden behind my green eyes. I want that relationship back too. All of it. Every ounce, piece, sliver, fraction, portion...all of it. All the memories, all the games, all the adventures and all the rule-breaking. I need my brother around.

I choke on words as tears start to fall and a warm friendly smile creeps on my face. I place a hand on my chin and slide it down, then let it fall to my lap. I “huff” a few times, just be sure that I’m hearing what I’m hearing. Remus hasn’t looked at me. I bet he’s thinking that asking me that was a mistake.

“Yes.” I say. Remus shoots his face up to look at me. “Yes, I want that back to. I want you to come home, Remus.” I say, grabbing his hand. He smiles at me.

“Home.” Is all he says before he wraps his arms around me again. I can hear him sniffing and crying a little, glad that we finally made amends. I cry a little too, happy that I have my brother again.

“Sorry to interrupt,” We hear a familiar voice by the door. Remus breaks apart, his hands still on my arms, my hands still on his arms too. We look at the door and see Molly standing there. Her hand on the door, the other fidgeting with her cloak. She had crossed her ankles and strands of her hair were blowing towards her right. The window was open, so that makes sense.

“No, no. You’re not. Come in, Molly. Please.” I say, gesturing towards a seat next to my bed. She glides towards the chair, looking like she’s walking on air. Before she sits down, she lifts my covers and looks at my wounds. I was shocked and cold at first, but she just stared at it.

“You okay?” She asks me, looking at me, then back at the wound. I don’t have a shirt on, just shorts that are a little too big for me.

“Yeah, I’m okay. What’re you doing?” I ask as she kneels down, and places her hands on my wound. It stings slightly, but it isn’t horrible. She closes her eyes. I look at Remus confused, but he shrugs and we look back at her.

Wrap thee in cotton, bind thee with love, protection from pain surrounds like a glove. Brightest of blessings, surrounding thee this night, for thou art cared for, healing thoughts sent in flight.” Molly stops. She lifts her hand up from my wound and smiles at me.

“How’s it feel?” She asks. I sit up better and feel no pain. I feel great, actually.

“Better! Did you heal me?” I ask. She throws her head back and laughs aloud. Remus and I look at her rather confused.

“Of course not, Roman. I could, but I shouldn't. I might get in trouble.” She smiles at me. I smile too, thanking her for taking away the pain anyway. She smiles even wider and says that it’s the least she could do.

“Can you do a spell to protect us?” Remus asks. She sighs, thinking.

“I guess. Although, I don’t know what you boys will need for that now.” She says, looking out the window in a daze. Remus sighs.

“Could you do it anyway, just to be safe?” He asks. Molly looks back at him. She lifts one side of her face up, like a smirk, but a kind one.

“I can’t anyway, Remus. Some spells I need certain materials for. A protection spell, I’ll need certain things for.” She explains. Remus groans and I smile.

“Thanks anyway.” I say. She shrugs and smiles. I look back at Remus. He’s got his pouty face on and I giggle slightly. Remus smiles at me when he sees me.

“I’m glad to be on this journey with you.” I say. Remus smiles and places his hand on mine.

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