13: Childhood Memories

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Roman's POV

It was morning, and I had to admit, crying myself to sleep wasn't fun. I mean, obviously it isn't fun. Yet, when I lead Remus to our next stop (wherever that may be), we don't say a lot. Maybe a sniff and a cough here or there, but not much of anything else.

We're still riding through a forest. The trees are large, the branches crown over us, leaving twisted shadows on the ground. The grass is a beautiful shade of green, with twigs and leaves scattered here and there. The sun shone bright onto my face, warming it up a little. There was a nice breeze in the forest that softly moved my hair. I heard a lot of birds chirping, the sound of Carmel and Midnight's hooves on the path, and the sound of our things bouncing up and down. Remus was in front of me by a few feet. He woke up first, got ready, then woke me up. It took me a while to get ready, and he was impatient, but I don't blame him.

I decide to think about some fun memories. Like...when I met Logan! We were in middle school...so about 11 years old. It was during school too. Well, lunch really. I'm royalty, so I'm not supposed to be out and about, so Remus and I took on a disguise. Instead of being Remus and Roman Sanders, we were Remus and Roman Prince. People found it iconic and some were suspicious, but I don't blame them. We were full of ourselves and who would want to hide the fact that you're royalty, anyway? We sure didn't.

"Roman, look!" Patton tugged on my shoulder as I bit into the sandwich. I chewed a bit before I set the sandwich down and looked at Patton a little irritated.

"What?" I asked. Patton pointed to his right. I looked over and saw this fairly good-looking boy. He had black hair, glasses, a navy blue and black striped shirt with jeans and converse. I looked back at my friend and saw he was in a bit of a trance, but also looked like he wanted to get up and talk to the stranger.

"I think they're new!" Patton said. "We should talk to them!" He looked at me in joy. I sighed. I wasn't very social and it took me a while to warm up to strangers. Patton was very lucky we clicked right away.

"I don't know, Patton. They look like they're enjoying their book and their food alone." I tell Patton. He continues to stare at the boy.

"Well then...I'll just go and talk to him. You can stay here." Patton said. He grabbed his tray, picked it up, and started to walk over to the boy.

"Patton! Wait!" I said, doing the same, nearly dropping everything. Patton sits across from the stranger and it seemed like it took him a second to find words when the stranger looked up at Patton.

As I sat next to Patton, I saw his face better too. He was beautiful. Dark brown eyes, a good shaped nose, nice cheekbones, and lips that weren't thin nor full. His black hair hid his eyes a little, if his glasses didn't already do it.

He looked a little annoyed at Patton and I when we sat down. I blushed a little in embarrassment, not knowing what to do or say.

"Hi!" Patton said, smiling friendly. "I'm Patton Miracle! This is my friend Roman Prince." Patton said, pointing to me. I knew the stranger knew who I was. Not because I'm royalty in hiding, but because most people here were used to me and Remus' similar apparence.

The person didn't look shocked or surprised in the slightest.

"I know who he is." The stranger said calmly, almost matter-of-factly. I figured that this is how they talk when they meet strangers for the first time. Boring and monotone. "I'm Logan. Logan Picani." Logan stuck his hand out to Patton. At first, Patton was shocked at the formal gesture, but took his hand and shook it. I couldn't tell, but I think Patton may have shuddered a little at Logan's touch. That wasn't normal for Patton.

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