24: No More Giving

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Roman's POV

Song: Speechless
By: Naomi Scott

Note: I'm about to hit you in your feels. I apologize.

It's morning and we've carried on with our journey back home. We're laughing about what everyone will say when they meet Molly for the first time. Patton would be more than welcoming. Logan would be distant at first, but he'll ease up to her in no time. Virgil would do the same, but it might take longer to warm up to her. Janus will recognize her and they'll hang out. Emile would be meeting someone new, so...yeah, I don't know what he'll do.

We continue to laugh about it though, happy enough that we're going back home in just the span of four days.

We then hear the sound of other horses coming close to us. In no time, we're surrounded by people on horses, in armour and them pointing arrows at us. I draw my sword, Remus draws his mace, but Molly doesn't move. She might be too afraid to use her magic right now.

"Drop your weapons!" Someone on the left of me said. I turned Carmel to look at them. Remus was looking to where I couldn't. I had the front, he had the back, if that's how you want to describe it.

"Make us!" Remus shouted.

"Why should we lay our weapons before you? You've clearly shown that you aren't going to lay yours." I say, pointing to the bow and arrows with my sword. I hear a soft grunt from Molly. Her mouth is right next to my ear. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she wasn't breathing were it not for the feeling of her chest rising up and down against my back. She's so quiet.

"Give us the girl, and we'll leave you alone." Someone with long black hair and a sword rode up to face me.

"No way, dickstain." Remus said. I could hear his voice louder, so I assumed he turned to look at the person. The stranger breathed in, waited, then breathed out.

"Ugh." The person said, looking at Remus. Remus' face grew red with anger.

"Don't "ugh" me, asshole! The only time you should say "ugh" is when you look in the mirror because your teeth are so jacked up that you could eat anything through a fence!" Remus shouted. Molly snickered.

"My name is Danny. I just want Molleigha Collymore. She's a witch and I was sent out to find her." Danny said, ignoring Remus. Either way, Remus and I don't care what Danny wants.

"No. I'm the king. You'll leave her alone." I say sternly. I haven't let go of my sword. I grip it tighter. I think some people noticed since they readied their bows more. I heard the stretch of the string.

"I don't care that you're the king. I don't work for you. I just want the witch and then you'll never see me again." Danny said calmly. I glared at them with the most hateful look. So much that Danny actually made their horse take a step back.

"As king, I order you to leave Molleigha Collymore alone." I said proudly.

"Don't." I heard Molly say from behind me. It startled me a little. I almost forgot she was behind me.

"Why?" I ask.

"There's no point in arguing. They're just gonna kill me." Molly said. She hopped off the horse, but I grabbed her cloak so she got stuck. She grabbed it and pulled it, but I'm stronger. The feeling of sadness and guilt as I watched my friend whom I just got back, leave me again.

"You're not leaving. I'm not having them kill you! I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!" I screamed. Molly looked at me with remorse.

"It's okay, Roman. I set fire to half the town anyway. That isn't why I "ran away", but still. It's gonna be okay." She says softly.

"Hold on!" Remus screams at her. We just got her back, we can't lose her again! "We want you around!" He screams at her. An arrow whipped past my face and I fell off Carmel. I landed on my back, letting go of Molly's cloak. Remus shouted my name. When I looked up, I saw Danny's sword near my neck.

"I see a lot of humans here, but not a lot of humanity." They tell me. I kick Danny in between the legs and grab my sword as they fumble forward, grabbing their crotch. I stand up, kick their back and they land forward. Danny turns around to face me on the ground, he grabs my arm and pulls me forward. I land on my back again, our noses almost touching. I make an "x" with my hands to prevent him from hitting me. I hear Remus and Molly grunt. They're fighting, probably kicking ass.

"Ew, back up." I tease, smiling. Dad taught me that there's a way out of everything, I just need to find one. I learned that most people stumble back a little when the other person flirts. "I got a boyfriend." I play. Danny looks at me confused and backs up slightly. I laugh as I take a hold of both their wrists, place my right foot on their stomach, lift them up and flip them forward. They're on their back, groaning. I quickly get up and straddle them. I hit Danny with my right hand repeatedly.

I gasp as I feel something sharp in my right hip. I still have my left arm on the collar of their shirt, my right hand up and ready to hit again, but I look down to my side where it suddenly goes numb. I see Danny holding a dagger. The dagger spills drops of my blood onto my leg. I look back at Danny. It's as if then that my mind registers what had happened and my hip starts to burn. They have this wicked smile on their face. I flinch as Danny's blood splatters onto my face. Remus has taken his mace and smashed Danny's head in with it. I let go of the collar. Breathing soon becomes difficult as I try to orient myself between the clashing of swords and the white dots floating in my vision and the fire that seems to flow through my side with every movement I take. Suddenly, Remus drops to his knees next to me and stares at me with alarm. He goes to grab me but I glare at him.

"Where's...Molly?" I ask, my voice breathy. The wound in my abdomen feels like fire and it's slowly spreading up towards my lungs, coiling around them like a snake ready to suck the life out of me. It becomes so hard to breathe. It's like breathing in shards of glass.

"I'm here, Roman. I'm here." She says. Remus looks at her.

"Is there anything you can do?" Remus said, panic lacing his words like poison. Molly shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, Remus. There isn't." She says, hopeless. I groan as water rushes to my head. I know I shouldn't but I glance down at my side again and watch as my life slowly flows out of me in a red river. My eyes become weighted and noises become fuzzy. I feel my head drop onto the ground and through all the noise, I vaguely hear Remus screaming at me, begging me to stay awake. I slowly move my eyes to look at him and see him with his hands in his hair, pulling at it. The lonely gray streak in his hair falls in front of his face, but he doesn't move it. I smiled sleepily at him and gave into the welcoming darkness that seemed to ease the burning fire in my body.

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