9: Directions, Please

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Roman's POV

SONG: Kingdom Dance
By: Tangled (Disney)

I just realized that we've been traveling all night. I didn't mean to not answer Remus' question, and I think he said something else, but I couldn't hear him. I didn't mean to ignore him, and I can already see and hear him talking to me furiously about it later today. Yet, I'm too busy to worry about it now.

I head for the nearest town that I think is close by. My thinking quickly becomes fact when I see a small village down the road. Carmel and I are on top of a little cliff, looking down at a small village. I think it's called "Tipton", but I'm not sure.

I hear the sound of hooves behind me. I don't even need to turn around. I see Midnight right next to me. I look at Remus. He looks annoyed and I don't blame him. But, we can't dwell on it now. We've got bigger problems to worry about. Like breakfast.

"What's the plan, Ro?" Remus asks. Ro. I haven't heard that nickname in...16 years. Only Remus would call me that, too. Patton and Logan always called me "Princey."

"Breakfast, dear brother." I say in my king-ly tone. I straighten my back and keep my chin up when I say that. Remus scoffs at me, annoyed even more at my attempt to seem more royal.

We don't say anything when we turn our horses down the hill to the town. I don't know what to say, actually.

"Think they'll recognize you?" Remus asks me from behind. I straighten my back again. Not in embarrassment, but more in a royal way.

"Keep your head up, Roman. Sanders never hangs their heads." His father said when he was in trouble once. He was about 6 and he broke a vase, a table and nearly ripped a painting in the hallway to his room. He was trying to run to his room for fun.

"Maybe. They don't come to my parties very often." I reply. I can picture Remus looking confused.

"Parties? You're not gonna turn into King Louis XIV, right? The one who always spent all his money-"

"-on parties, clothes, other riches, etc, I know. But no. I won't. I'm more focused on my subjects, and these people are my subjects as well. Remus, you should know this." I say.

"Some things I don't remember, let alone care about." Remus says. I sigh.

"Think they'll recognize you?" I teased, leaning back to him a little. I hear Remus groan.

"Stop." Is all he says.

"I'll take that as a: I hope not." I say, smiling. Remus doesn't seem too happy with me. I know I've been annoying lately, but he's just gonna have to deal with it, sadly.

"Roman, when Remus becomes king, he'll choose someone who he trusts with his life, to be his Adviser. The Adviser is someone who will give Remus advice in anything Remus asks. Kind of like a second in charge, if not married yet." His mother said. Roman was about 13 and wasn't really listening as he was half-asleep.

"Think he'll choose me!?" Roman asked happily and hopeful. His mother laughed.

"It'll be up to Remus." She said. Mother had chuckled and smiled so warmly.

Looking back at that moment, it hurts. I chose my Adviser: Logan. But, I ended up becoming king instead of Remus. All of my friends still call me "Prince" though, since they're used to it. It almost hurts me physically, knowing that I basically let everyone down. Sure, I was second in line, but that doesn't matter. I don't care about that. I just wants my brother back. Not like: I want Remus to be like me! More like a: I want me and him to rule the kingdom together. Or for him to be king.

We make it into the village. I hop off Carmel, my brother following. We take our horses by the reins slightly and lead them with us.

"Excuse me," I say to a villager. She's got a light brown dress on, her hair down, with a white apron on. She's carrying a brown wicker basket full of fruits. I can tell by the look on her face that she noticed me immediately. I chuckle slightly as she gets fidgety and bouncy. "Could you lead us to a restaurant that serves breakfast?" I say. I hear her chuckle and fidget a little.

"Yes," She says. "Down that road, there's gonna be a curve, follow it and count 8 doors on your left. You should see a sign that says "TipTon Hotel and Bar." It's not really a bar, actually. But, it has great survice." She says, pointing to the direction we're supposed to go in. I smile my royal and kingly smile at her.

"Thank you." I say. She nods and curtseys too me. I wave my hand.

"No need for that," I say. "You're helping me and my brother." I point to Remus. I can tell by the look on her face, she becomes a little anxious. More than she already was.

"I know, your Majesty. It's just that... I'm glad I could help." She said, swaying her basket a little. I continue to smile. I don't need to look behind me too know Remus wants me to hurry it up.

"Still, thank you." I say. She nods. I grab Carmel's reins again and lead them to where the villager told me.

"That took forever." Remus grumbled, walking next to me. I shrugged.

"Well, at least we know these people know who I am." I wink at him. Remus scoffs.

"You're king, Roman. They're gonna know you." He says.

"You just asked if you thought they were gonna recognize me." I point out to him.

"Yeah, because I bet you barley come here often." Remus smirks. Oh, and I totally bet he'd be here more than me if he was king. I doubt it. I've got loads of things to do. He just doesn't know that.

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