7: Notes and Goodbye

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Remus' POV

SONG: Heart of Glass
By: Miley Cyrus

"What're you doing?" I ask, stopping in the middle of the staircase. I look up at him, angry and confused. I thought I was clear that I don't want him on this journey. He smiled.

"I'm coming with you." He said. He made a face that Patton usually makes when he says something that's supposed to be happy, but isn't. Something that Patton finds fun and happy, but the person who's talking to him doesn't find it fun and happy. They're usually too down and depressed to smile. Yet, this isn't what this was about. This was about me not wanting Roman on this journey.

"No, you're not." I said sternly. He laughed.

"Yes, I am. I haven't seen you in forever!" He said happily. I turn back around and walk towards the castle library doors. He's still following me.

"Go away, Roman. I don't wanna see you." I shout. I know how much that likely hurt him, but I don't care right now. I tried to make it subtle and easy.

"I'm coming, Remus. Whether you like it or not. I care about you, I don't want you getting hurt and I don't wanna worry about this anymore either. I'm on the same path as you here. Just let me come along." He insisted. I sighed. I saw there was literally no way out of this. I groaned, which it almost turned into a shout. I could tell Roman was happy already, knowing he had won without me having to say anything.

"Fine, you can come." I say. I open the doors and head outside. Roman claps his hands and jumps up and down like a child. He walks beside me as I walk out of the castle. I'm with Roman, so it won't matter if I get caught.

"I suggest you write a letter to the Picanis' before you leave with me." Remus says. Roman nods quickly.

"I'll do that!" He says joyously. I sigh, already regretting giving in so quickly.


I see Roman begin to write something down for Patton. We're in their house. I see lots of family pictures. Logan, Patton, Virgil and two kids whom I didn't recognize. I assume they're Logan and Patton's kids. I knew Patton and Logan were married, I didn't know that they had kids. Plus Virgil.

Dear Patton Picani,
I'll be out with Remus for a few days. I'm sorry that this is such a short notice, but I'm very curious as to why Remus and I are so different. Please, stay healthy and stay well. Please tell everyone this news. Also, please tell Virgil not to worry and that I love him. Tell Emile that he's smart and amazing and tell Chloe that I said to behave. Love ya, bye!
-Roman. S.

"Let's go back home and grab our horses." I say, turning to face the house door. Roman put the cap back on the pen and turned to face me with a huge smile. I think maybe I did something that usually isn't like me. "What?" I asked rudely.

"Did you just call the Imagination your home?" Roman asks me slyly. I groan. I didn't mean to call it that, I was thinking about my castle instead.

"No. Let's just go to the Imagination and grab your horses." I say, walking out of the house. I imagine Roman pondering for a bit, thinking about whether or not he should really do this, but when I turn around, I see him following me to the castle.

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