6: Meetup

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Remus' POV

SONG: Talking to the Moon
By: Bruno Mars

"Remus! I'm so glad to see you again! Besides that you're stealing mother's journal that clearly belongs here. But besides that, I'm really happy to see you!" My brother tells me. He puts his dagger away and rushes up to me and throws his arms around me. I don't drop my dagger, but I poke Roman's back with it slightly, hinting that I want him off me and I'm not here for some lovey-dovey family reunion. Ugh. He's the last person I wanna see here anyway.

"Get off me, Roman. I'm not interested in seeing you. I'm interested in getting our mother's journal!" I said as he stepped away from me slightly. He looked confused and sad.

"Let's not talk about mother's journal for a second, okay. Let's talk about how excited I am to see you!" He says, trying to hug me again. I push him back and he sighs roughly. I hope he can very clearly tell that I'm not interested in talking to him.

"No, just let me leave the castle and let's go on our way." I scowl at him. I straighten my bag and try to move past my twin. Yet, Roman places his hands on my shoulders, which stops me from leaving.

"Why're you taking that anyway?" Roman asks me. I groan. I roughly shrug his hands off me and walk backwards. My hands are still on my bag. I want to cry, but I can hear our mother's voice.

"Save your tears for something worth it, boys." She'd say. It hurts to hear her voice, but never having a real figure to go with it. Never having a real person who's supposed to love you to go with the voice in my head. The voice I've heard for 15 years.

"I wanna know why I'm so different from you. Yet, I'm sure, that you don't care about that, because you've got everything I was supposed to have." I scowl.

"You've got only yourself to blame, Remus." Roman scolds me. I scoff.

"How is that my fault!?" I shout.

"It...isn't," Roman admits. "But it still wasn't right to get mad at me when I tried to tell you about some of my worries that day." I sigh. Yeah, he's right about that. But, if he was me, he'd 've had the same reaction. I don't say anything. I don't even move. I don't have anything to counter it.

"UGH!" I scream. "This isn't fair. Why do you get everything and I get nothing!? How come, whenever I want something, you take it from me. I never get my fair share of anything because you always take it!" I shout.

"Remus, why do you have Mother's journal?" He asks me. It pisses me off that he ignored me. Yet, I save my breath. I hear my dad's voice in my head this time.

"Save your breath, Remus. Save your words for something worth arguing about." He said. I don't want to answer Roman, but as Dad said, there's no point in arguing or pushing him.

"I wanna know why I'm so different from you. I figured that if anyone knew why, it'd be Mom. So I took her journal. I was gonna give it back. You weren't even supposed to know that it was gone." I explained in a snotty tone. Roman looked like he was thinking about what to say. I figured I'd walk past him. He grabbed my arm and I tried to shake him off, but he's stronger than I remember.

"Where are you gonna go?" He asked me. I shrug.

"Mom wanted to go to the Dark Land, so what if I went to find it too?" I asked. It was more of a statement than a question. Roman continued to think.

"I'll come with you," He said seriously. "Besides, I didn't think you were so worried about it as much as I was!" He said happily. I scoffed.

"You're not coming with me. That's the last thing I want." I told him. Roman sighed.

"Look, Remus, I know we don't get along the best, but this could be good for us. Besides, I came up here to learn the same thing. I didn't even think about The Dark Land, but if it is real, then maybe this could be a chance for both of us to rest and not have to think so hard about it again." Roman said in a hopeful tone. I gave him a disdainful look and he finally let go of my arm. I faced towards the door, he faced towards Mother's old desk. We stare at each other for a second before I move forward and finally make it out of the Study Room. I looked behind me and noticed Roman was moving closely with me.

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