(Chapter 1) Inner Growing Intentions.

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Takashi's POV 

Life was tiring.

And yes, I know, it seems way too soon to say something like that considering I was only 7, but I was forced to grow up sooner than most kids who were enjoying their childhood, spending time with their families, playing with toys, eating new food, where as me and Naruto didn't have that kind of luxury.

I sat near the window, looking outside at the village, it was rather a nice summer day. "Takashi!" I heard my name being called, so I turned my head around and smiled warmly looking at the blond boy in front of me. "What is it, Naruto?" I asked and jumped down from the window stool and brushing my bum off.

He looked up at me and shook his hand putting his little hands on his hips, "You told me you'd bring me Ramen today. You know how the old man is, he only brings us 'healthy food' and it tastes really bad." He said pouting slightly. I couldn't help but chuckle at his innocent response.

"Alright, alright. I'll bring you Ramen, you hungry little boy." I said teasingly, and picked up my shoes sliding into them. Naruto smiled and looked up at me and nodded with appreciation. "He's right you know, though. And his name Lord Hokage, okay? Old man is rude, you goofball." I said and ruffled Naruto's hair a little.

He rolled his eyes playfully and pushed me towards the door. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, go!" I laughed once again, and caressed his cheek once before nodding. "I'll be back, don't open the door, alright?" I said. He nodded in acknowledgment and I walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind me and took a deep breath before starting my journey to the market, humming a soft melody.

{Half and hour later}
Takashi 's POV

The market was busy as usual, nothing out of the ordinary. The stares, the odd looks, the way people moved out of my way and generally just avoided me as if I was some kind of virus. Nothing new, I convinced myself. But it was hard to just ignore it as well, since I wasn't a virus. I was a human, I think so at least.

I paid no mind to them, and continued my journey to the market, putting my hands in pockets, and humming a tune. I darted my eyes around in search of the ramen, but stopped in front of a different shop. A mask shop, with the masks similiar to the ones those of Anbu Black Ops, and couldn't help but feel intrigued. Naruto would enjoy this, he loves being 'creative' with his imagination.

I decided to go to the shop, and picked up a mask inspecting it. "Sir, how much is this?" I asked, looking up at the owner who turned to look at me with a sour look, and instantly yanked the mask away from my hands.

"You're not welcome here, leave!" He announced. I furrowed my eyebrows in slight anger, but also sadness, and stepped back. "But I'm allowed to purchase it if I want to!" I protested, and stepped ahead this time, with fury.

The owner glared down at me at this point, and threw the mask back at my face with such force that I fell back with a small thud on my rear. I winced at the sudden motion, and bit my lip holding back my tears. I glanced at the mask beside me, and got up running away without it with tears streaming down my face.

I didn't care who saw me or where I went, just as long as I wasn't here...for now. I ran and ran down the path and into the forest, as I finally stopped next to a tree catching my breath and slid next to it, and sobbed my heart out.

I sniffled, and hiccuped as I couldn't to cry and cry uncontrollably, until—

"Yo." A voice said, abruptly. I snapped out of my trance, and looked up at the voice, crawling out of my spot, and wiping my nose, which had turned red from crying. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. "Who're you?" I asked in a hoarse voice, and cleared my throat.

In front of me, was a Anbu. He wore a mask, and squatted in front of me. The only thing about him that stood out to me the most was his mismatched eyes, and white sliver hair. He also tilted his head  mimicking me and stared back into my eyes. "...What're you doing out here? It's dangerous." He said as a matter-of-fact, not even bothering to tell his name or ask me mine.

I sniffled, and wiped my nose once more, then spoke, "Does it matter? Who's even gonna care if something happens to me?" I said and crossed my arms, crawling back to my hiding spot. He raised an eyebrow at my answer before sighing. "Still. I can't let you roam around a forest full of deadly animals and/or enemies." He said grabbing my hand and gently tugging me out of my hiding spot. I didn't protest and reluctantly followed him.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, walking beside him, and looked up at him. He didn't answer, but spoke after a minute or two. "Your apartment." My apartment? How did he even know where I lived. "But you don't know where I live." I said, and averted my gaze to look to the front. "I know everything." He said.

That was a weird statement to say. "Do you know how far the sun is away from here?" I asked slightly playful and teasingly, knowing fully well he wouldn't be able to answer something so childish. "147.18 million kilometres away." He answered, which made my jaw drop. "How the heck do you know that!" I said stunned, and looked up at him once more with fascination. "It's taught at the academy." He replied, once again monotonously. I nodded in understanding and couldn't help but smile a little, feeling a bit giddy that someone besides Naruto was talking to me. Even if it was a one-sided conversation.

Eventually after some time, I came back home. I wanted to know the guys' name, but he never told me. My curiosity was killing me, and I couldn't help but want to know more about him.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Lemme know if you think I should add anything else! :333

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