(Chapter 21) Nothing happened! I feel great!

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Lord 3rd's POV

Ever since I got the letter from Takashi, I've been doing some research around the Leaf Faculties and I was able to find some information, so I finally finished the letter. Hopefully all this writing answers her questions.

Tambo: "Lord 3rd, are you finished? I was told to stay behind for the message you will return to Miss. Takashi." Tambo asked sweetly, he was such a sweet kitten, always waiting patiently for answers. He has been waiting since a while, ever since I started writing.

Me: "Yes, I'm done. Please give this to her, as soon as you possibly can." I replied, bending down, and putting the scroll on his pouch, gently, and smiled warmly, as I pet his head once more.

Tambo: "I will, Lord 3rd. Please allow me to leave now." He answered

Me: "You may go." He vanished at my permission and left. I sighed slightly at the thought of getting back to paperwork. I should also check on Naruto as he probably needs a refill for ramen or other necessities, I always tell him to eat more healthier food but he just eats Ramen.

There was a sudden knock at the doors once again, and I spoke up glancing at the door.

Me: "Come in."

Kotetsu: "Lord 3rd, a letter has come from the Kazekage, it's about the setup for the Chunin Exams."

Me: "Ah I see, please leave it there."

Kotetsu: "Right." He said leaving the scroll and left.

Looks like the Chunin Exams are near as well. I must start preparing for that as well.

{Time Skip}

Takashi's POV

I coughed, feeling exhausted, and slightly disoriented. I fluttered opened my eyes gently, and opened them getting used to the light around me, and squinted. I heard two voices talking in the background.

Kabuto: "Looks like she's finally waking up, Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto said, turning to look at Orchimaru.

Orochimaru: "Yes... take good care of her.. Kabuto." Orchimaru chuckled, and put his hand on his hip in slight excitement as his eyes gleamed with slight blood-lust.

Kabuto: "Yes, Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto answered, bowing slightly as he fixed his glasses with a slight smirk, and turned his head back to me. I coughed some more and squirmed underneath the shackles that were made out of chakra, making it almost impossible for me to escape.

Kabuto: "How are you feeling now?" He asked suddenly, and bent down to look me in the eyes, as I rested his head in his hand, his thumb brushing across his own cheek.

Me: "..." I stayed silent, unable to speak as my eyes said everything, I was angry, and I was furious. I glared back into his eyes, and grit my teeth.

Kabuto: "So, that's how it's gonna be, huh?" He chuckled once more, before putting his hand on my chin and forcing me to look up at him more, as he pulled me closer as if to intimidate me.

Me: "Let me go." I hissed and squirmed once more, as I tried to get away from his grip.

Kabuto:  "Now, now, did you already forget everything?" He asked as his voice suddenly turned serious, and he looked he like could kill me in an instant if he wanted.

Me: "I-..." My voice caught in my throat, and I couldn't help but become silent once more.

Kabuto: "You were completely out of chakra, and you passed out. You're really weak, huh? You just made my job easier." He said, and snickered slightly as he tapped my cheek, making me feel like I had no value, and looked down at me. "That's right, now you should probably get some rest." He added grinning, and let go of my chin. "Princess."

Me: "I'm gonna kill you!" I snapped, and let out a small noise of anger, as I huffed with fury.

Kabuto: "You're pretty stubborn. I guess that's one trait to have if you're asking to be killed." He scoffed rolling his eyes, and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose once more, then picked up a shot. "This ought to shut you up." He said, bringing it near my arm, and pushing the needle deep into my skin. 

I couldn't help but wince and felt my head get heavier, my shoulders slumped backwards, and I couldn't help but feel tired. My eyelids got heavier.

Kabuto: "Now, you'll fall asleep in no time." He said, and grinned once more before I closed my eyes completely and passed out.

Kabuto's POV

Hm, I wonder what Lord Orochimaru is planning on doing. Whatever it is. It's going to be fun. I better go to Lord Orochimaru, for his medicine, and even she'll wake up in about 2-3 days. So, this is my time to get everything ready for our new hideout.

----Time skip brought to you by me =)---- The next day.

Takashi's POV

Owww, my head feels so dizzy. How did I even end up here anyways?


Me: "Huh....?" I said looking down to see...

Me: "Tambo! What are you doing here? Is it a letter from Lord 3rd?" I said quickly getting up and kneeling down to Tambo.

Tambo: "Yes Miss. Takashi, indeed it is. Please allow me to leave now."

Me: "Right, go."

Tambo: "Thank you, I'll see you soon."

Me: "Yeah see ya."


Alrriiight!~ Now I feel great, like nothing ever happened! But first I need to get out of this place, and read the letter.

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