(Chapter 20) Finally the letter came.

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Lord 3rd's POV

This morning I had been appointed to assist Iruka's lessons, and to be honest, it was quite difficult to teach kids about the harsh realities of this Shinobi world, I feel as if they are too young, but also not too young..

Me: "Now listen children, the shinobi world consists of nothing but hatred. When a shinobi is born in this world, he must learn that there will be no peace until all the hatred is gone." I explained while some kids giggled.

Iruka: "KIDS PAY ATTENTION! Sorry Lord 3rd please continue." Iruka yelled at them and motioning for me to continue.

Me: "When a shinobi hates another shinobi and does not recognize him, that person's eye becomes terribly cold when looking at the other..." I said from personal experience, I quickly changed the subject, "And looks like your class is over for today, my children."

Children: "Yaayyyyyyyy!! Home-time!!!" All the children said jumping up and down from the seats.

Iruka: "Thank you for coming today Lord 3rd." Iruka said turning to me, and smiling.

Me: "As the 3rd Hokage, it is my duty to teach my children the right path, Iruka." I said smiling while he told the kids to get in single file line, as he was busy doing that someone yelled my name.

?: "LORD 3rd!!!"

Me: "Hm?" I said as I turned around and saw... "Oh, well, well, Miki. Where have you been? You haven't showed up for a very long time." I asked, looking fairly surprised.

Miki: "I know, actually I just got summoned today to bring you a message for the first time in a long time, so here ya go!" She yelled as she threw the scroll over to me.

Me: "Right, thank you. Miki. You may go now. Oh wait, also please make sure to leave a messenger kitten behind, there might be some questions I might need to answer." I requested, suspecting that Takashi may have said something in this scroll.

Miki: "You got it, old man! See ya!" She said and summoned one of her kittens to deliver messages back and forth.

Me: "Yes, see you very soon." I said as she vanished.

Iruka: "Lord 3rd, I'll take the children back to the academy now, and once again thank you very much for your time." He said.

Me: "Don't bother, Iruka." I told him as he walked off in front of the kids to escort them back safely.

Children: "Byeee! Lord 3rd!!!" All the children yelled walking away in a line.

Me: "Bye, my children." I said giving them all a smile. Now, now, finally a letter arrived. I wonder what she has in store for me this time so, quickly, I start walking back to my office while opening the letter, and started reading what she had wrote for me this time.

What Lord 3rd sees:


すべてがどうですか?長い間あなたを埋めなかったのでごめんなさい。実は今日が初めてのミッションでした。もちろん、赤槻と。とにかく、私はあなたに何を伝えるべきか分からない、多くのことが起こった。  この赤槻のメンバーの一人は、「トビ」と名付けられました。「トビ」と名付けられた赤槻のメンバーの一人。彼はいつも私の周りで奇妙な振る舞いをしている。しかし、もちろん私は彼を気にしません。ナルトはどうしてる?村?市民は?最も重要なことは、あなた?私はすべてがうまくいっていることを願っています。まあ、私もいくつかの質問がありました。実際、私の使命の詳細は、誰が「吉田麻衣」か知っていますか?彼は砂の村の出身です。あの男について何か知っていれば教えてください。私はあなたが私に送るメッセージのために後ろに滞在するようにメッセンジャーのカブに頼みます。ナルトのトレーニングはどうですか?彼はチュニン試験の準備をしていると思う。そして、彼が新しいチームとうまくやっていくことを願っています。私は彼のチームの誰が私にそれを教えてください知りたい. さて、私が本当に長い間あなたに尋ねたかったのは、私は誰ですか?それ以来、私はこれについて疑問に思っていましたが、人々は私に私のフルネームを尋ねました。つまり、私はどの一族の出身ですか?両親は?彼らは誰でしたか?私はどんな親を持っていましたか。さらに重要なことは、彼らは良い人でしたか?私の一族や両親について何でも教えてください。私は本当に知りたいです。そして、ああ.それは今のところそれです。もう一度、あなたを記入しなかったことについて、私の心からの謝罪。しかし、私はあなたが理解することを願っています。とにかく、私は次の手紙であなたと話すつもりです。とりあえず別れ。


The meaning/ translation:

Hey Lord 3rd,

How's everything going? I'm sorry for not filling you in for so long, actually today was my first mission, with the Akatsuki of course. Anyhow, I don't know what to tell you, many things happened. One of these Akatsuki members, named 'Tobi'. He's always acting weird around me, but there's something about him that makes me feel unsafe, although don't worry I know how to protect myself. But anyways, how's Naruto doing? The village? And the citizens? Most importantly you? I hope everything is going well. Well, I also had some questions too. In-fact, the details about my mission, do you know who 'Mai Yoshida' is? He's from the Sand village. Please let me know if you know anything about that man. I'll ask a messenger kitten to stay behind for the message you will send me. How's Naruto's training going? I bet he's preparing for the Chunin exams. And I hope that he's getting along with his new team. I wanna know who's in his team please also tell me that. Now, what I've really wanted to ask you for so long, is that, who am I? I've been wondering about this ever since, people have asked me my full name. I mean, which clan am I from? And my parents? Who were they? What kind of parents did I have? More importantly, were they good people? Please just tell me anything about my clan or parents. I really want to know. And uh... that's it for now. Once again my sincere apologies, for not filling you in. But I hope you understand. Anyhow, I'll talk to you in my next letter. For now farewell.


I knew one day she would ask, but now, how am I going to tell her that who exactly her parents were? Her past is a lot more complicated, and it'll be tough to explain in just a letter... Takashi, you always put me in some kind of trouble. I chuckled lightly to myself, and thought I wish her well..

I certainly do miss you though, please be safe.

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