(Chapter 17) Rain continues as a problem is created.

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Takashi's POV

It's been raining for so long that I lost track of time. Not to mention I'm getting a bit tired myself that I'll probabaly fall asleep any moment but then who's going to keep watch?

I just realized how unexpected my life has been, like, who would've thought I would have come so far. There's a lot of stuff that I've heard people say like, "Life goes on" or "You have to accept what's in-front of you." but to me has seemed to become the saddest part because no matter how hard I try to accept it, I've already gotten my hands dirty.

Now that I think about it, Naruto's probably going to hate me... for leaving him out there. That is my worst fear, he's gonna think I left for my own selfish desires, which is why I never wish to see him ever again, at least not in this life..

I didn't know what to do, so I just sighed in defeat and got up dusting myself off. I think, I honestly need a walk, I'm feeling so sleepy that probably the rain can wake me up. So as I decided, I got slid down from the cave and just decided to wander around a bit.

The forest looks so beautiful in rain..

I started walking, feeling the rain on my face as I look up to the sky

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I started walking, feeling the rain on my face as I look up to the sky. When suddenly I heard a snap behind me and I got on my defense position. I quickly turned around only to look at Hidden Leaf Village Anbu. Wait, these Anbu must be the ones that Lord 3rd may have sent out for investigation. Or the might just be on their own mission, whatever the reason may be, this is bad.

Hidden Leaf Anbu: "That cloak, you're from the Akatsuki?" One of them questioned as all of them took out their weapons ready to begin this battle.

Me: "What if I am?" I questioned, but that was probably stupid, since all of them surrounded me.

Hidden leaf Anbu: "We have specific orders to capture any Akatsuki member in sight." The same one spoke up again, so my guess was right, they were sent by Lord 3rd, before he even got my letter.

Me: "Crap....." I mumbled. If I get caught by these Leaf Anbu, many problems will be created, and Naruto might see me. And even the Akatsuki, I'd be causing them huge problems by giving away intel on our hideout. And a lot of other bad things that I don't have time to list could happen. I don't have time for this, I had to do something and fast!

I quickly jumped from my spot and made my aim to land on the tree to escape. I had to flee because there were way too many of them and I had a very less chance of winning against them. But I also couldn't take them towards Tobi and Deidara because that way they'd find them too.

So I started to run the opposite way, of where our little resting place was, this way I think I could draw their attention away from the main members, but I could get caught easily if I wasn't alert. I decided to throw some explosive kunai's at the small group and they dodged with ease. What a waste. ;-;

Me: "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" And with that I made clones, all going in different directions to draw their attention, but this was also useless if one of them were a sensory type, because then they could locate the real me. But fingers crossed and hopefully this works so I can get away. But looks like luck just isn't on my side today. I decided that even if I did get caught, I didn't want these Anbu to be killed, so in this scenario the smartest thing to do would be to inform Tobi and Deidara about my situation.

According to my calculations, if the distance I can get away from the hideout in a few minutes from now should be just far away from the Anbu to escape and for them to go back, and Tobi and Deidara to get my message. Which means no one has to be killed!

Me: I quickly do my signs and draw blood from my thumb to summon, along with my verbal say, "Summoning Jutsu!". Arata quickly appears and seems to understand the tense atmosphere, thank god he's fast.

Arata: "What's wrong Takashi?" He asked as he was running along with me.

Me: "Hey Arata, look no time to talk, I need you to inform Tobi and Deidara about my little chase here. Just tell them that when I was on watch, these Anbu attacked so I had to fight them off! Now HURRY!" I quickly explained to him. He immediately nodded and parted away.

Arata: "Done!" He yelled and ran off into the other direction without being noticed.

At least they won't think that I'm going to make them fail on my first mission. I thought again about all the worst possible scenarios and sighed again. But then again, these Anbu won't get off my tail unless I take them out, not by killing but to just knock em out or lose them.

But, they look so scary... I'm always getting myself in trouble!

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