(Chapter 32) Dōjutsu.

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Itachi's POV

I never imagined this girl to be from such a strong clan. Their clan was banished just like the Uchiha Clan. If I remember correctly, it was a guy named... 'Hira Kasumi' who did it. He could be alive to this day, but it's just there's barely any information on him. But I believe, he was a guy who possessed the Rinnegan, somehow. 

To possess the Rinnegan is astonishing but it's conspicuous that he did not possess it as his own. It's patent that either he stole it from someone or... he was gifted it. Anyhow, it is not his. 

Well, now that I think about it... Dōjutsu refers to both the eyes themselves, which have a number of passive abilities, and any dependent on the eyes to be performed; the former requires little to no to be used, while the latter varies depending on the technique. Dōjutsu can be transplanted into others, though use of the dōjutsu is typically more limited or taxing for those without a genetic predisposition for it. While the user's eyes can be overused and dōjutsu can be prevented from being accessed for a period of time, it doesn't mean the user will be exhausted and they can still use other techniques. 

And if I'm correct, Rinnegan, Sharingan, and Byakugan are collectively known as the Three Great Dōjutsu. But there may be a possibility that the Shandâigan is also one the strongest Dōjutsu too. 

Well, I'll get some more intel on him soon. Right now I'll have to help Takashi activate her Shandâigan. 

Me: "So, what idea do you have in-order to not give away your identity?" 

Takashi: "Well, I was thinking, maybe I could tell Leader-Sama, that I'm a Senju. Because they have already seen that I heal quickly, I could explain that with the Hashirama cells, my body is able to generate the wounds and other kind of injuries quicker than others." ( If you don't know what Hashirama cells are here it is: The Hashirama Cells are artificial cells cultivated from The First Hokage's DNA, that ultimately grants the receiver of the cells some of the traits and abilities of Hashirama Senju. If one loses an appendage, one can use the Hashirama Cells to replace those damaged limbs.) 

Me: "But, what if he asks you to show the traits and abilities that you might possess because of the Hashirama cells, then what will you do? You don't possibly have any of his Jutsu ready, do you?" 

Takashi: "I believe, there's one Jutsu similar to the First Hokage's and that's Senjutsu.

Me: "SenjutsuSenjutsu  refers to a specialized field of Jutsu that allows the user to sense and then gather the natural energy around a person. It's like gathering nature energy and using it as a chakra to make your own type of Jutsu." 

Takashi: "That's right, Mr. Itachi. The only problem is, because of being a Jinchurki, I'm unable to gather nature energy all at once. So I need to recreate Shadow clones in-order to gather nature energy but I transfer it to myself once the Shadow clones are gone." 

Me: "That's a clever way to start. Well then, it's decided that we'll make you a Senju. And your powers include, Senjutsu and Hashirama cells, which help you regenerate quicker with wounds and other injuries than normal humans would." 

Takashi: "That's right. Now train me, Mr. Itachi." 

Me: "Alright. First we'll start off with the basics of activating a Kekkei Genkai. Kekkei genkai abilities that work via the user's eye are called Dōjutsu. So, let's start off by a simple Genjutsu that will trigger your mind into thinking that something bad has happened to someone precious to you. In this case it would be Naruto Uzumaki for you." 

Takashi: "Alright. I'm ready whenever you are, Mr. Itachi." 

Me: "Alright, here I go." 

After that we trained for awhile. And apparently activating a visual eye is harder than it may sound. This will take a lot of time and effort. And I didn't expect any less. 

Takashi: *Pant* "Mr. Itachi, this is harder than I thought.." *Pant* 

Me: "Yes, it is clearly hard, but I believe if you can just hang in there a little longer. You will activate in no time. You just need to put in a lot of effort." 

Takashi: "Alright, Mr. Itachi. I'll give it my all." And I put her up in my Genjutsu again. 

For some reason I believe that this will take long for sure but.... I believe that Hira Kasumi is still alive. And if I have to I will find him and I will bring him here. 

There's just got to be some clue as to if he's alive or not. And I will find those clues and I will also find you...Hira Kasumi. 

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