(Chapter 11) Masked Guy.

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Takashi's POV

Arata is fairely quick so by that logic Lord 3rd must've got the letter by now. Anyhow, I still need to know, why this organization is capturing Jinchuriki's and what they are planning on doing by using those Jinchuriki's.

I got up from the super uncomfortable place, where I was put.  As I was sitting, I heard footsteps coming, but this time I didn't pretend to be unconsious. Instead I waited for whoever was coming. I was expecting the same lady as before to come, since I recall her saying she was going to go get me some food.

As I was waiting, the door opened and came in someone completely different. He was wearing a orange mask that covered all of his face and only one hole on the right eye where he could see from.

Masked guy: "SoOOooOO YoUr AwAkE!?" He said in his childish voice. I didn't say anything because I didn't want them to get suspicious on how I was getting comfortable with them, just yet.

Masked guy: "How are you feeling?" H-His voice....IIt completely changed... Who is this man exactly? And why was he pretending to be like that before?

Masked guy: You're probably still not comfortable with this organization yet. I can understand that, but if you don't speak up, I'll have to make you." He said in a deep voice coming closer to me as he chuckled.

Me: "I-I'm fine..." I shifted.

Masked guy: "Good.' He said, but this time eyeing me, looking as if he can see right through me. He came closer, and held my chin in a mysterious way, not in a weird, pervish way, in a way as if... to let you know that you're being watched and if you do something stupid, you'll pay with your life.

Me: "L-Let go..." I said getting a bit uneasy, his vibes were scary, almost as if he could kill someone with just that one eye.

Masked guy: *Chuckles* "I'm sorry, was I being too peevish? But you're interesting, haha. Something about you is giving off waves." He said.

I think he might be getting on my tail...

Masked guy: "You see... *Sits down and lets go of my chin*, I'm not here to harm you in any way. Infact, I was here to tell you something."

Me: "W-What do you mean?" I honestly hated myself for stuttering at the moment. I never stutter, guess this guy is something huh.

Masked guy: "Well, the Akatsuki want you to-" I cut him off knowing his next words.

Me: "Join the organization, because of intensive purposes." I claimed.

Masked guy: "You're fast, I'll give you that for now and yes. We want you to join the organization because we need a medical-nin, and you would be a great one. But first we want to see, what combat skills you may possess." He grinned, I know he did, interestingly he had an expressive eye.

Me: "So, I'd be a mere tool?" I questioned, quite well knowing the answer.

Masked guy: "Well yes, for me you are..." He whispered in my ear.

Me: "..." I said getting back a little covering my face with a fist and flushed. My ears are sensitive.

Masked guy: "SoOOooOO ArE yOu gOinG tO jOiN tHe AkAtSukI?????" He said again in his childish voice noticing the obvious.

Me: "If I say no, you're gonna kill me anyway right? So it's not as if I have another choice." I said pausing to see what I had just committed to. He chuckled at the fact that what I just said was true and got up.

And the guy leaves. What is wrong with him? He has sort of weird vibe to him. Not gonna lie, he actually scares me but also gives me nostalgia about a certain someone I saw when I was younger....that Jonin that was...

Nevermind, I must be weird.

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