(Chapter 2) Why?!

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Takashi's POV

A couple weeks passed.

I hadn't seen that guy in so long that my memory of his words was nearly starting to fade. Only a subtle deep sound I would recall if I tried to, I never thought I'd see him again.

Until one day, I decided to test my luck once again. I went back to the same spot where I first met him, and crawled into the forest corner, hiding away from the sunlight and the world. I waited, and waited and after what felt like years, no one came.

I sighed, but I wasn't disappointed, because I knew somewhere in the back of my head, he wouldn't come back. I slowly crawled out of my spot, and looked around at the warm and colourful forest. And for the first, I realized just how beautiful this forest was. I'd had been coming here for the youngest years of my life, and never once stopped to appreciate the beauty of it.

Sooo??? Did you guys enjoy it??! Lemme know! :33

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