(Chapter 26) Is Takashi a spy?

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Itachi's POV

Where could she be? We've been looking for her for almost 4-5 hours now. Hmm...

Deidara's POV

Alright, now let's check this side. 

Tobi's POV

Where are you? Where are you? Where are you? Where are you? 

Takashi's POV

*Snap* Huh? What-? *Sighs* Maybe just some animal or something. I need rest, I can't possibly get up and my body won't respond either.. *Yawns and goes back to sleep* 

Itachi's POV

*Pushes the bushes to the side* Just where in the world- oh. There she is. *Sighs* thank Kami she's alright. *Walks to her* She's sleeping huh? well, I guess I have no choice but to pick her up and take her with us. 

*Picks Takashi up* Better go tell Deidara and Tobi about her, they're both probably freaking out this very moment. 

---- About 20 minutes of searching ---- 

Ah, finally found Tobi. 

Me: "Tobi." 

Tobi: "hM? ItAcH-.." 

Me: "-Shh, talk quieter." 

Tobi: "AHHhHhHh yAYYAYyYyY YoU fOuNd HeR! WhErE wAs sHe?!" Tobi whisper yelled. 

Me: "She was laying down, under a tree." 

Tobi: "oHhhhH! OkAy I'lL gO cAlL DeIDaRa!" Tobi whisper-yelled again. 

Me: "Mh." And with that Tobi left. 

*A letter falls from Takashi's cloak* Hm? What's this? A letter? From whom? *Opens the letter* From Lord 3rd...? Hmm, what does it say-

Tobi: "BaaaaccCCcCcK!" Tobi whisper yelled as he came back running with Deidara. *Quickly places the letter in the side pocket of the cloak* 

Deidara: "Phew, thank god we found her, or I thought Leader-Sama was going to kill us." 

Me: "Let's go, we're already really late." And with that Deidara made three clay birds and we all got on. I made sure to keep Takashi in my hands because I couldn't let Deidara or Tobi to hold her because they both are so irresponsible. 

Anyhow, that letter... could it be that Takashi is also a spy like me...? Well, even if she is, then, that means either Lord 3rd has sent her here to spy on the Akatsuki or it was all just a simple mistake somehow. But it simply can't be a mistake.  Hmmm either way, she is a spy. 

But then if she's a spy, then why did Deidara and Zetsu bring her here? Zetsu is a clever guy, he wouldn't fall for such a little trick, but then... did he also think she's merely a tool? I mean, they both said that she had been living in the forest around our hideout since we changed to that hideout. There's no way she waited that long to become an Akatsuki member just so she could spy on us. 

Then what is her purpose to join the Akatsuki? Is she truly a spy? And why was she living around the forest instead of living in her own village? Hmm, all of these questions... only she can answer them.

I need to talk to her.. 

---- After about 6 hours ---- 

Deidara: "Hah! Finally, we have arrived at the hideout." 

Tobi: "YaaaaaaaaaaaaaYYYyyYy!" 

*Jumps off the clay bird and goes inside the hideout.*

Me: "Leader-Sama, I have brought Takashi, I'm very sorry about the wait." 

Pain: "Good, Konan, take her with you." 

Konan: "Right." And Konan grabs Takashi from me and takes her inside to her room. 

Pain: "Where did you find her?" Leader-Sama asked sitting down. 

Me: "She was in the South area, Leader-Sama and she laying down under a tree in the Dark Forest. " 

Pain: "I see.... and what about Deidara and Tobi? Did they finish the mission?" 

Me: "Yes Leader-Sama." 

Pain: "Excellent.... Itachi." 

Me: "Yes Leader- Sama?" 

Pain: "I want you to let Sasori and Kisame know that they have to go and capture the 5 tails today." 

Me: "Right, Leader-Sama." 

Pain: "Go now." 

Me: "Right." I walk away to go inform Sasori and Kisame about their new mission. 

Konan's POV

Looks like she was completely out of chakra, maybe I should bandage up some of the wounds she received fresh. 

So I start cleaning up the wounds first. Thankfully their not that deep and as usual their healing very quickly. Which I'm starting to think, she does have some kind of power we're unaware of. 

Next, I pick up bandages and wrap them around the wounds that need more attention. 

Lastly, I leave the room to go inform Pain about her condition which is fine. 

Itachi's POV

Now that I've informed Sasori and Kisame about their new mission, I should go check on Takashi, after all I do I need to talk to her.. 

So as planned I start walking to the room Konan had taken her to.

--- 1 minute later --- 

I slowly open the door, making sure not to wake her up if she's sleeping, which she wasn't. 

Me: "You're awake." 

Takashi: "Huh? Oh, Mr. Itachi..." 

Me: "I have a few questions I need you to answer me to. And truthfully."

Takashi: "Right." 

I walk to her little bed and sit down at the edge. 

Me: "First off, how'd you get separated from Deidara and Tobi?" 

Takashi: "Well, they both were resting in a little cave since we decided to rest for the night because it was pouring very hard. And I didn't want to sleep because I needed to keep watch so I left the cave in-order to wake myself up. But then suddenly the Anbu appeared out of nowhere and well.... I had to fight with them which took up all of my chakra." 

Me: "Why didn't you come back?" 

Takashi: "I couldn't because 1# I had no chakra left, and 2# I was abducted by Orochimaru and his assistant Kabuto." 

Me: "Makes sense, then how did you end up in the Dark Forest?" 

Takashi: "I escaped." 

Me: "One more thing, Are-" 

Konan: "Itachi? What are you doing here?" Konan asked as she came in with a tray. 

Takashi: "Miss. Konan, Mr. Itachi was asking me some questions." 

Konan: "I see, well, Itachi, as soon as you're done, make sure to give the information to Pain. And Takashi, please eat whatever I brought you, it'll do you good." 

Me: "Mh." 

Takashi: "Yes, Miss. Konan." And Konan left. 

Takashi: "Mr. Itachi, what was your last question?" 

Me: "That's right....well,  are you a spy? Takashi?" 

Takashi: "..." 

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