(Chapter 25) Search of Takashi.

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Takashi's POV

I can't believe I'm actually having to spend the night in the middle of nowhere, without food, and without shelter. But it's not like I didn't sleep outside before, it's just I always had something to eat and I definitely did have a roof to be under for the nights. And also it's not that I'm scared or anything, just that, I don't exactly know where I am. 

And if I'm being honest, this forest does look a bit creepy too.. 

*Sighs* I can't believe this, first the Anbu appear out of nowhere and I run away, then the stupid 'Kabuto' guy and 'Orochimaru' guy come out of nowhere, AND THEN, I run away again and now I'm stuck in the middle of a creepy forest

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*Sighs* I can't believe this, first the Anbu appear out of nowhere and I run away, then the stupid 'Kabuto' guy and 'Orochimaru' guy come out of nowhere, AND THEN, I run away again and now I'm stuck in the middle of a creepy forest. 

Just great. 

And there's no backup either. 

Why is life so unfair? *SIGHS* 

Well, I am a ninja anyway, better not give up to this little problem. I bet Naruto would say something like that.... 


Naruto: "WhEn I gRoW uP i'M gOnNa BeCoMe HoKaGe! BeLiEvE iT!" 

Me: *Smiles* "I know you will! I believe in you idiot!" 

Naruto: *Laughs*

Me: *Laughs*

Flashback ends: 

Me: *Laughs silently* Good old memories... I wonder... does he still wish to be become Hokage..? 

Now that I think about it, what's my dream? My purpose? What have I been living for? That's right, I have a dream and purpose too.

My dream: My dream is to see Naruto become Hokage, and be respected by the villagers. 

My purpose: My purpose of living is to serve the Leaf Village, no matter how much badly they treated me. 

What exactly have I been living for: I've been living for one and ONLY one person, and that's Naruto. I know I left him all alone out there, instead of taking care of him, teaching him the right path, I left him. But I really hope he understands that there must be a reason why I left him. Besides he has Lord 3rd, Iruka Sensei, his teammates, and his teacher, Kakashi. 

I don't want him to hate me though. What if he does hate me? What am I gonna tell him? That I left him because of my own reasons. Crap, I never thought about this. 

What am I gonna say to him, if I ever encounter hIm? Which I know I will eventually someday. What am I gonna say to him? How will I make him understand? 

I'm sorry Naruto... I dragged you into this. 

*Punches the tree* Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! DANG IT! Why doesn't Naruto have a normal childhood!?! What did he ever do, to deserve this???! WHY!?! *Looks up to the sky* Why are you so unfair? Tell me. TELL ME!! 




*Wipes tears with sleeve* *sniff* I-Iruka Sensei and-and- Lord 3rd b-better take care of Naruto... *Slowly drifts off to sleep* 

Itachi's POV

Me: "Deidara, you are very irresponsible. This is unbelievable." 


Tobi: "WHAAAaAAAAAAaaaaaTtTt?? M-MyyyY FauLt!!?!?!" 


Tobi: "B-BUt DeIDAra!~ YoU wErE aLsO sLeEpInG!!~" 


Me: *Sighs* "-Enough you two!" I yelled to get their attention and they went silent.

Me: "Do you have any idea what kind of consequences you both will have to face if we don't find that little girl?" 

Deidara: "Yeah, yeah I know already." Deidara said crossing his arms. 

Tobi: "MhmmmmmmmmmMm~!" 

Me: "Well then.... Don't just stand there! Go look for her!" I yelled again as they both ran off in different directions. 


Where did you go? 

Deidara's POV

Jeez, Itachi is so mean. 

Hmm, to find Takashi faster, I could use my clay birds. That way I'll be the first one to find her and I won't be scolded from Leader-Sama too. *Takes out some clay from the side pouch and feeds it to his hand* *Sighs* Why am I always the one to get stuck in these types of problems? *Takes out the now fully constructed clay bird from his hand as it expands into a bigger size* 

Well, anyhow, I'd better start looking for Takashi. *Get's on top of the clay bird and starts flying* Now where could she be? Hm. 

Itachi's POV

Well, if she were to go to the North then we would've saw her because that's where the Akatsuki hideout is. And thanks to Sasori's puppets, we've already checked the sides of West and East. Now the only area left is the South, which we are checking right now.. But what if- what if we don't find her here either...? 

Where are you Takashi? 


Anyhow, I hope you're alright.... 

Tobi's POV

Where could she be??? She can't just leave off like that. I hope you're alright...Takashi, but Arata said that he smelt a faint scent of her this way. Then she should be here somewhere. 

Don't worry Takashi, where ever you are, we're coming! 

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