(Chapter 27) Truth.

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No one's POV

Takashi: "..." 

Itachi: "You can tell me. I won't tell anyone." 

Takashi: " Yes, that's right I am a spy."  

Itachi: "Who sent you here? Was the it elders? Or Danzo? Lord 3rd?" 

Takashi: "No one, I came here with my own will." 

Itachi: "Why?" 

Takashi: "Mr. Itachi... I'm putting all my faith into you, please don't break my trust." 

Itachi: "You can trust me." 

Takashi: "I'm-I'm.... I'm a Jinchuriki..." 

Itachi's POV

Takashi: "I'm-I'm.... I'm a Jinchuriki..." She's a Jinchuriki? I-... 

Me: *Speechless* 

Takashi: "If it weren't for the treatment I received in the village and the 'person' Hotoke wanted to kill, then I wouldn't be here. I had to fake my own death in-order to flee from the village." 

Me: "You had to fake your own death, because of the villagers? And because 'Hotoke' wanted to kill a certain person?" 

Takashi: "That's right, I'm the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails Hotoke. And who I think of as my brother is the Jinchuriki of Nine-Tails Kyuubi. He is Naruto Uzumaki." 

Me: "Go on." 

Me: "You must have known by now that, I heal very quickly, and it's because of the Ten-Tails but luckily Miss. Konan or Leader-Sama haven't noticed it. I merely left the Village because of my own issues."

Me: " So did you abandon the Leaf Village?" 

Takashi: "No, I didn't. Once I was brought here by Mr. Deidara and Mr. Zetsu, I became a spy." 

Me: "When you joined?" 

Takashi: "That's right, I became a spy so that I could serve the village even though I'm 'dead' in their eyes, just so I could become some help in anyway."

Me: "So that letter, it's from lord 3rd?" 

Takashi: "Yes, it is. I inform him about every move the Akatsuki make. Though if anyone other than you found out about that, the other Akatsuki members would show me no mercy." 

Me: "I'm aware of that." 

Takashi: "And that's it, that's all there is to my wretched life, but you know, you can't go back and change the beginning but you can-" 

Me: "-Start where you are and change the ending." 

Takashi: *Smiles* "I've learnt that from Lord 3rd. He always taught me that life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in rain." 

Me: "And if I were in his place, I would've have taught you the same." 

Takashi: "But Mr. Itachi, I don't know if I've made the right choice. The one thing I feel is completely wrong is leaving Naruto all alone out there to face all those mean villagers. Then again, if we ever meet which I know we will some day, I don't want him to hate me. Did I make the right decision? To leave him.... all alone out there? 

Me: "There are no wrong decisions, there just different. I've felt that way too, I would never want Sasuke to hate me, but if he does, he must know that whatever I did, there was a reason behind it. I didn't merely just do anything without a reason. But if he does not know what hatred is he will automatically fail. Hatred is the weapon to what makes a Shinobi. Without hatred no one would have a purpose of life or to have the abillity to make the right decisions. He must know hatred." 

Takashi: "Thank you very much, Mr. Itachi. I'll always make sure to keep those words in mind all the time. And again, please do not break my trust." 

I start to get up but I look around and say... 

Me: "Everything will fall into place, just be patient. Your time will also come one day." And with that I leave.

Takashi's POV                                                                                                                                          

Did I do the right thing? By telling him everything? I hope I did... Lord 3rd I'm trusting you and your words. 


Me: "Lord 3rd?" 

Lord 3rd: "Yes my child?" 

Me: "Why is it so hard to trust people?" 

Lord 3rd: *Smiles* "My child, the real question is, why is it so hard for people to tell the truth?" 

Me: "I don't get it, what do you mean? Lord 3rd?" 

Lord 3rd: *Chuckles* "My child, trust is built in very very small moments. You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible." 

Me: "Is trust really that important? What if someone breaks it?" 

Lord 3rd: "Yes indeed it is my dear, trust is like an eraser, it gets smaller and smaller after every single lie and mistake you do and tell. And trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if broken but still see the cracks." 

Me: "Wow, Lord 3rd. Your so good at explaining!"

Lord 3rd: *Laughs* 

Me: *Laughs* "I promise to always trust the right people Lord 3rd!" 

Lord 3rd: "Good girl." Lord 3rd said patting my head. 

Flashback ends~ 

Well, I did promise you, Lord 3rd. And I promise to keep my promise!  

Well, anyhow, I should probably eat whatever Konan brought me. 

*Eats* Hey, this is actually good! *Sighs* 

--- 3 minutes later --- 

Tobi: "HEeeEEEEYYyYyy! TAaaAaaAKkkkAAaaASssshhhhhhhHhiiii!!!!!" 

Me: "Hm? Oh hello, Mr. Tobi." 

Tobi: "SoOOooo hOw aRe YoU feEliNg?" 

Me: "Better than before, but thanks for asking." 

Tobi: "WeeEEellll NnoooOoww ThAt's GoOd~!" 

Me: "Yeah, I suppose." 

Tobi: "WeEEEllLL I'Mmmm GoNnA gO nOw BeCaUsE ToBi wAnTs sWeEts!" Tobi said getting up and jumping up and down to the door. 

Me: "Oh okay, see you later! Mr. Tobi." 

Tobi: "ByeeEEEEEEeeeE~!" 

Me: "Bye." 

Well, I should probably get some rest too. 


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