(Chapter 19) Orchimaru?

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Takashi's POV
I have been running like crazy, and I am so out of breath. I had been running for awhile, and still didn't lose them. I decided to just stop for a second, when suddenly..

Hidden Leaf Anbu: "Come with us. If you come with us, I promise to spare your life." One of them said coming up behind me, which caught me off guard.

Me: "I'm not scared to die, instead, that's the first thing I would love to do." I scoff and I throw shuriken at the little group. What was I thinking wasting my shuriken like that? Anyway though, at this rate I think I'm done for. I have no chakra whatsoever, and there's just no way I would use the tailed beast's chakra. That would give away everything.

But I remember that Arata left awhile ago so he could've and would've got the message to Tobi and Deidara by now, so there should be backup soon, but still I need to do something until. Maybe I could use 'that' Jutsu with what little chakra I have left and maybe add in a little of Hotoke's Chakra. But then again, that would give away everything. And to be clear I took down two of the Anbu already, now there's only four remaning.

I quick made my hand signs to do simple Jutsu that may drive off the rest of the Anbu, but then out of nowhere someone said in a very creepy tone, a Jutsu.

?: "Ninja art, snake strangle." He claimed, he was pale, very pale, heck, he was white. He had purple marks in the corners of his yellow snake-like eyes and very long black silky hair. He also seemed to be accompanied by another ninja, he had white-greyish hair, and was wearing glassed with simple black eyes.

Anbu: "T-That's one of legendary....SANIN! We MUST retreat now." The Anbu yelled and panicked, and left very quickly. What is going on? 

Me: "Who're you..?" I asked a bit nervous, but still standing on a defensive position.

? #2: "Lord Orochimaru, I'm afraid we've come across one of the Akatsuki members." The dude with the glasses said, completely ignoring my question. I've heard that name before. Leader-Sama had mentioned... this 'Orochimaru' guy. If I remember correctly, I was planned on being sent to him.

Orochimaru: "You're right Kabuto, though I wasn't expecting to see one so soon." He chuckled and licked his lips.

Kabuto: "Lord Orochimaru, may I ask you something?" He asked turning his head and smirking.

Orochimaru: "Go on."

Kabuto: "When you were in the Akatsuki organization group, was this little girl also a member?"

Orochimaru: "You're so silly Kabuto, I'm sure the Akatsuki wouldn't allow such a little child to join the organization. Unless.... there's benefit to it. Every move the Akatsuki make is for their own benefit, they couldn't care less about the others. So, either this girl has some special kind of power the Akatsuki are after or she's what they call a Jinchuriki." He chuckled again, I think this guy might know something about me..

Kabuto: "Should we take her with us, Lord Orochimaru?" The 'Kabuto' guy asked grinning, his grin made me nervous and I stepped back a little. For some reason I was getting a weird vibe, and that Kabuto guy only seemed like 1-2 years older than me, so he didn't look as scary as Orochimaru... but still I shouldn't underestimate any of em.

Orochimaru: "Kabuto, we're going to take her with us. I'm going now, don't take too much time."Orochimaru  said smiling and proceeded to leave, seemingly very confident that Kabuto would get the job done.

Kabuto: "Right, Lord Orochimaru." He said after Orochimaru left, and looked at me while he used his pinky to lift up his glasses again.

Oh c'mon, now I have to deal with him. But, what he asked before, about Orochimaru being the Organization not too long ago I believe. Why did he leave the organization? And he? HE was in the organization? I had no time to think about this so for now, I need to flee from here. I cannot possibly go with him, especially since I have no chakra. And they just seem suspicious.

Me: "Sorry, but, like I said before.. I'm in the middle of something." And with that I started to run away from Kabuto, but before I ran, I threw a smoke bomb so, anyhow he shouldn't be able to see my direction.

----- 30 minutes later-----

I've come way too deep into the woods, and I don't sense any life around.. I think I lost him. I'm so tired, I don't have the energy to run anymore.. I sighed. Wait! Oh I think this might be a good opportunity, to write to Lord 3rd. But, Arata might be busy right now.. also I think I've annoyed him for awhile now.

I quickly did the signs and summoned my favourite friend, Miki.

Me: "Summoning Jutsu." And she popped up in-front of me, smiling at the fact that I rarely summon her.

Miki: "Heyy! You never call me unless it's something really really really important- So what do you want me to do?" She asked wagging her tail ready to do a mission.

Me: "Actually, it is pretty important but I also kinda missed ya y'know?" I laughed and she flushed, blushing.

Miki:"S-SHUT UP! J-JUST T-TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED!!" Miki yelled in embarrassment turning red.

Me:"Okay-Okay" I said wiping a tear from my eye cause of laughing too hard. "I need to write a letter to Lord 3rd, 'cause I haven't filled him in, since the day I joined the Akatsuki." I said pressing my arm from pain a little.

Miki: "Ah I see, just tell me what to write- here." Miki said as she summoned a scroll and ink and got ready to start writing.

Me: "Okay, start writing..." I said and started speaking.

---- 10 minutes later----

Miki: "That's a lot you made me write. It's gonna take him ages just reading this." She laughed and put it in her pouch, and got ready to leave to finish the mission.

Me: "Actually all those other topics just randomly popped up in my mind, can't help it y'know? I chuckled. "Oww, my whole body is so sore.." I said grabbing my shoulder and leg. 

Miki: "You need help with your wounds, and you have no chakra left either. Wanna come along?" She asked.

Me: "I would love to, but not right now, and as for my wounds and chakra I think I'll manage." I couldn't bother em, plus I have to deal with this on my own if I want to be someone people can look up to and rely on for protection.

Miki: "Well, okay then." She said and turned around but I knew she was worried.

Me: "Oh and make sure to get that letter to Lord 3rd." I reminded, just for her safety.

Miki: "I will, don't worry. See ya around, Takashi." She said jumping on a tree.

Me: "Yeah, see you around, Miki." And she ran off.

I asked Lord 3rd a lot of stuff about myself today, but I'm not sure if he would actually help... also I was curious to see how Naruto was doing. I hope the Lord 3rd is providing him everything he needs, including ramen....I miss you Naruto. If you were here right now, I bet you would know what to do since you've always had a knack to figure things out. Suddenly I heard some twigs snap as I saw Kabuto walk out.

Kabuto: "There you are. Took me awhile to find you, but alas I finally found you." He yawned then walked over and stood above me with a huge grin.

Me: "Well, shit." I groaned, I couldn't get up, I think I used up too much energy and Chakra that my body just refused to listen to me. Kabuto looked at me and squatted down to meet my gaze, suddenly he said..

Kabuto: "You're quite the handful, eh?" He chuckled and brought his hand near my face brushing away my hair from my face.

Me: "What do you think you're doing?" I asked as I turned my head the other way.

Kabuto: "Haha, don't worry, I won't hurt you." He smirked again and proceeded to pick me up in bridal style as I tried to protest against his actions, but he was too strong at the moment.

Me: "Put me down!"

Kabuto: "You're quite noisy.." And then he raised his hand to my neck and.. I started to lose unconsciousness... no! Wait!

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