Chapter 23 : Together

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Y/n's P.O.V

You've finish taking a bath and drying your hair.You take a long sleeves black shirt and a pyjama pants from your dresser.The collar of this shirt is really wide making your collarbone exposed.

''For some reason I can't believe Heichou likes me''.You are still thinking about it every single time you spend alone.

''Like..what?..and I like him too?''.You can't believe you accepted his confession and you two are dating now.

''And Heichou becomes reaaaally weird,he shows this side I've never seen of him before''.You didn't hate it but instead you can't help but to like this clingy and protective side of him.

''And I don't know he can be such a pervert''.You laugh at the thought.

You get out of your room and try to get into a serious mode.This discussion is really important as it's the guide for tomorrow expedition.

You walk into the kitchen and found a few of them already there.

''Heichou is not here yet?''.You ask and Eren nod.

''Oh,then I want to make some tea,you all want too?''.Petra and Eren nod happily.

''Okay''.You head to the pantry and start brewing the tea.

You think you should make for all of them.You switch to a bigger teapot and pour the hot water.

''I want one too''.Someone cooed and you turn to get a kiss on the nose.

''Ah Heichou!''.You push his face away from you.

''Don't do that''.You whisper to him and he caress your cheek.

''Why not?You don't like it?''.He catch you into his arms.

''No,I like it but..someone might come in and see us''.You push his arms away.

''Fuck them,I do what I want''.He smirk and kiss your head.

''Y/n?''.You quickly step back from Levi when you hear someone coming in.

''Y-Yes?''.You turn to see Oluo.

Oluo look at Levi before looking back at you.He obviously kind of scared or nervous around him?.

"'What do you need?''.You nervously smile and rub your neck.

''No,Petra said you're taking too long,so I just want to check on you''.He explains before bowing down to Levi and walk away,fast.

''Then I'll go first!!''.

''See?,luckily he didn't saw us''.You cross your arms.

''So what if he saw us?You don't want to tell anyone about this?''.He ask looking at you.

'Yeah,do I want to tell everybody?'.You don't know what to do.

''I'll just follow your decision''.You shrug.

''Okay''.He reply and try to land a kiss on your forehead.

''But don't kiss me in front of everyone''.You cover your forehead before he can touch it.

''Tch,why?''.He groan and hold your hands.

''You don't know what's a......nevermind''.You just let him peck you at the corner of your eye.

''See,don't make such a fuss''.He smiles in winning and let you go.

''Jeez,now go back to the kitchen,I'm gonna bring the tea''.You push him away and he walk away lazily.

You smile alone while touching the place he kisses you earlier.You bring the tray to the table where everyone are already here.

You glance at Levi and see he's really serious while focusing on the map spread in the middle of the table.

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