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February 2 2014

Alex and Martha were having dinner right now as They were talking about what happened today. Martha told Alex about her exhausting day at Work as Alex gave her some water as she was drinking it before she asked Alex some questions.

Martha: So How was your day?

Alex: Its gone good. I also made a friend.

Martha: That's Great To Hear. What's his or Her Name?

Alex: His Name is Harry Osborn. He seems cool and interesting.

Martha: That's nice to hear again Alex.

Alex: Same to you Mom.

They continued eating dinner as They finished as Alex grabbed the plates and cleaned it as his Mom was asking him more questions.

Martha: What about High school?

Alex: Its good. Its got the typical atmosphere like Jocks bullying people along with Popular guys and girls showing off.

Martha: Well then. Stay out of trouble then.

Alex: Will do Chief.

Martha went to grab something from her bedroom as Alex was cleaning the dishes until he heard a notification from his phone as he grabbed it and looked at the message.

Harry: Hey Alex.

Alex: Hey there.

Harry: Just wanted to see how your doing there bud.

Alex: I'm doing good. What about you?

Harry: I'm doing good too. I'm just watching a movie.

Alex: I see. What is it?

Harry: Its an old slasher movie. You know Halloween?

Alex: Yeah I know Halloween. I like it.

Harry: That's Awesome buddy. So what are you doing?

Alex: Just finished cleaning the dishes and I'm now reading a book.

Harry: That's interesting. What is it?

Alex: I'm reading a book about Quantum Physics.

Harry: That's great buddy.

Alex: Same to you man.

Alex and Harry continued texting each other as Alex looked at the time and realised it was late as he texted Harry saying that he'll go to sleep as Harry texted him the same thing. Alex charged his phone as he laid down on his bed before he fell asleep.

February 10 2014

The Last Few Days have been interesting for Alex. Harry and Alex shared a lot of things in common and even helped each other in doing homework along with revision and all. The Two became great friends and also watched movies together.

Today was a field trip to Oscorp as Alex got on the bus as Harry sat next to Alex as he was smiling at him.

Harry: Excited about your first trip?

Alex: I am actually.

Harry: Glad to hear Buddy.

The Bus ride was long as Students were talking to each other and even playing pranks as Alex was looking at the buildings through the window until the bus stopped as Everyone got out. Alex and Harry got out as They looked at the Oscorp Tower in front of them.

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