Trail Of The Lizard

311 12 51

March 9 2014


After Stopping Smythe from destroying the city, Alex was in Undercity as he was looking for Conners. The Lizard has completely taken over Conners mind and is now on a rampage. Alex continued walking through the sewage water until Gwen called him as he answered the phone.

Alex: Gwen, What's the matter?

Gwen: Incredible News, I reprogrammed the hunters to spread the antidote to every hospital in the city but I only need to make some adjustments.

Alex: That's great news Gwen but listen after your done fixing the hunter, You need to get out of here.

Gwen: Its Conners right?

Alex: Right, He's probably heading towards your location. Dont worry I'll be there soon.

Alex disconnected the phone call as he continued moving through the abandoned city until he saw some infected fighting Smythe's Robots as Alex was watching the fight.

Alex was sneaking past the infected and robots as they continued fighting. Alex was crawling on the wall as he saw two infected looking around until he took both of them out with a stealth takedown

 Alex was crawling on the wall as he saw two infected looking around until he took both of them out with a stealth takedown

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Alex continued moving past the brawl until he saw multiple infected growling. Alex saw the infected surrounding him as he saw a destroyed vending machine and threw it at the infected.

 Alex saw the infected surrounding him as he saw a destroyed vending machine and threw it at the infected

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More Infected began chasing Alex as he began running. The Infected continued to chase Alex until he surprised them with a...

 The Infected continued to chase Alex until he surprised them with a

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