
318 13 150

March 9 2014


Six Hours have passed since Alex escaped from the Oscorp Robotics Facility. It was Seven Fifteen in the morning, Alex was weak and was on the verge of death but he needed to keep going. Alex opened the manhole as he managed to get out of the sewers. Alex was slowly losing consciousness until a huge explosion happened as he saw what was happening.

 Alex was slowly losing consciousness until a huge explosion happened as he saw what was happening

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Alex: Dammit, I'm already too late.

Alex saw multiple explosions happening in the distance as he saw robots killing civilians as anger was coursing through his veins. Alex continued walking through the chaos until Conners sent him a voice message.

Conners: Alex, If your hearing this. We need to go underground to continue production for the antidote. Here are the coordinates.

Alex: Okay, I need to keep going.

Alex continued moving through the city as he saw chaos happening everywhere. Alex continued moving until....

 Alex continued moving until

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Alex: Holy Crap.

Another Explosion happened as Multiple Civilians were killed as Alex continued moving through the chaos as he saw infected attacking the robots.

Alex saw the fight as he continued moving until he opened a manhole and jumped down into the sewers as the destruction continues.

                   Two Hours Later

Alex finally made it to Conners makeshift lab in the sewers as he saw Gwen working on something. Alex was feeling dizzy as Gwen noticed him and was shocked by his state.

Gwen: Alex, What happened to you?

Alex couldn't respond to Gwen as She helped him sit down on a chair. Gwen was worried about Alex's state as she began talking.

Gwen: You weren't answering my calls or messages and since you trust Conners. I managed to find the lab, What happened to you?

Alex: *Sighs* I lost my powers.

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