
410 17 102

March 5 2014


After escaping from the police station, Alex was on the rooftop as he was gonna head back to his apartment until he got a phone call from Conners. Conners told Alex that he made a new antidote and that Alex was gonna go to the safe house.

Alex jumped to another rooftop until Venom told Alex to hide somewhere as Alex jumped down and hid behind a dumpster until he saw something flying in the air.

Alex jumped to another rooftop until Venom told Alex to hide somewhere as Alex jumped down and hid behind a dumpster until he saw something flying in the air

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Alex saw multiple police choppers surveying the area as He managed to avoid them. Alex jumped to another rooftop until he saw something on the streets.

 Alex jumped to another rooftop until he saw something on the streets

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Alex: Great. Captain Stacy has the whole city on alert.

Venom: Its best to lay low for a while.

Alex called Conners as he was looking around and saw multiple police checkpoints being set up. Conners answered the phone as Alex spoke to him.

Alex: Conners, Listen to me. I want you to stay by the safe house, Dont even leave. The Police is searching for us.

Conners: I saw the news of what you did in the police station.

Alex: I know, I'll meet you at the safe house at Six a.m. Till then, You lay low.

Conners: Same goes to you Alex.

Alex disconnected the phone call as he was gonna go back to his apartment until he received a message from Harry.

Harry: Hey Alex.

Alex: Hey.

Harry: Alex, We're heading to a club right now and I was wondering if you wanna join us.

Alex: You do realise there is police checkpoints everywhere.

Harry: Dont worry. We can get past that.

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