End Of The Line

377 14 111

March 9 2014


Alex was navigating the hunter robot through the sewers as he began hearing loud growls deep into the sewers. Gwen already navigated the other robots to spread the antidote to every hospital in the city as The Nightmare was going end soon.

Alex was moving through the sewers as the hunter was scanning for cross species until Alex heard loud growls as he looked above him and then....

Alex was moving through the sewers as the hunter was scanning for cross species until Alex heard loud growls as he looked above him and then

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The Lizard tried to hit Alex but he punched him before both of them fell off the hunter robot. The Demon and The Lizard crashed down into a abandoned subway as Alex saw the destroyed hunter robot.

Alex: I need to break through the scrape to find the serum.

The Lizard was staring at Alex as he began talking to the monster.

Alex: Dont try and stop me from turning you back. Now any last words from the lizard before I get my friend back?

The Lizard growled at Alex as he was staring at it. The Lizard tried use its tail to whip the demon but he dodged the attack as Alex was talking to the lizard.

Alex: The Toughest Fights are the ones that are closest to us.

The Lizard tried to slice Alex with its claws but he dodged the attack as he continued talking to it.

Alex: I know your in there Curt and I need you to stop. I'm not sure how much more either one of us can take.

The Lizard grabbed Alex by his leg and threw him to a wall as The Lizard pounced on him and began bashing Alex's head to the wall. The Lizard continued beating him down before Alex kicked him off as he hit a...

The Lizard recovered quickly and began hitting Alex with a barrage of attacks but he managed to dodge all of them

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The Lizard recovered quickly and began hitting Alex with a barrage of attacks but he managed to dodge all of them.

The Lizard recovered quickly and began hitting Alex with a barrage of attacks but he managed to dodge all of them

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