Under Watch

563 23 209

February 27 2014


Four days have passed since Alex broke Conners out of the Beloit Psychiatric Hospital and since the incident. Alex has been laying low. Every day he saw news about increased police activity hunting down The Vigilante and Conners along with the other escaped patients. Alex has also been texting Gwen and assuring her that everything will be fine.

As The Days went by, The Infection rate has increased and People have went missing. Alex has been thinking about it as he was also hunting down the other cross species but so far he found nothing.

Right now, The School Day has ended as Alex along with Harry, Liz, Flash, Ned and Mary Jane were walking outside the school as they were talking to each other.

Ned: Things are relatively quiet today.

Harry: No kidding. I heard some students from our school went missing today.

Liz: I feel scared now.

MJ: I can agree with that. That's why I'm always around a crowd. It makes me feel safe.

Flash: Come on guys. Why are you all scared? There's nothing to be scared about.

Alex: You should read the news more often Flash. Monsters are roaming around causing destruction not to mention some people are missing. We should all be caution.

Ned: Alex is right. I'll write an announcement on my fan page to be caution and stay safe.

MJ: That's very nice of you Ned.

Ned: Thanks MJ.

Harry: Well Aside from all this. I hope Gwen is alright.

Liz: Yeah. She's gone quiet for some days. She doesn't even answer our calls. Well she does answer our messages but I feel like something is wrong.

Flash: I'm having the same feeling too. Gwen doesn't do that.

Alex was looking at the group as he was speaking to Venom.

Alex: If only they knew the truth.

Venom: True but right now Conners is our only hope in stopping all this.

Alex: I wonder if Harry knows about his father's work.

Venom: I doubt he doesn't know what his father has been up to in Oscorp. Norman has a habit of telling lies and secrets.

Alex: True.

The Group continued walking as Everyone saw something on the huge television screen in front of them.

Reporter: Our Next Story is about the Vigilante. Ever since the manhunt has been on the Vigilante and Curtis Conners. Ever since both of them have been silent and have been laying low. I had a talk with Captain Stacy and he had this to say.

George: Those Two can hide all they want but in the end, We will find them and bring them to Justice.

Reporter: Other Then The Vigilante. Strange Monsters continued to be spotted around New York and Many Civilians have gone missing. Some People have been showing strange symptoms in their body and have been transferred to a hospital. More of this story will be cover soon.

Just then The Group saw Activists holding signs as They were saying something.

Activist: The Vigilante is a Plague to New York.

Activist: We will not be stopped till he is apprehended.

Activist: He is not a hero. He is a devil and we will burn the devil down.

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