Owning The Future

365 14 195

March 8 2014


Alex was inside the Oscorp Robotics Facility as he continued crawling through the ventilation system. Alex was battered, bruised and exhausted from his battles against the Green Goblin and Riot but he needed to save Conners along with the city.

Alex: I have to find Conners before Smythe kills him.

Venom: Let's hope he didn't kill him already.

Alex continued making his way until he saw the control room as he jumped down and looked around. Alex saw Smythe and Conners making their way to the elevator as He was hearing their conversation.

Smythe: The World Doesnt need an antidote against Evil, It needs a weapon.

Conners: What are you talking about?

Smythe: My Nanobot Serum is my greatest breakthrough, A New Era Of Nanotechnology begins today. It will change everything and My Legacy will be eternal and I want you Conners to see it unfold.

Conners: The Serum did more then take your legs, You lost your mind Smythe.

Smythe: No, My Mind is now clearer. I have a responsibility.

Conners: Why would you use that poison to kill innocent people? You cant-

Smythe: Shut up Conners!

Smythe and Conners entered the elevator as the elevator moved to the lower levels as Alex was watching.

Alex needed to gain access to the elevator as he continued moving until he made it to the sentry production line.

Alex: Maybe I can stop the assembly line and continue moving through it.

Venom: Smart, There are four zones we need to disable.

Alex nodded as he jumped down as he saw a robot scanning for enemies. Alex took the robot out with a stealth takedown.

Alex continued moving as he saw three more robots scanning the area as he waited for them to leave

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Alex continued moving as he saw three more robots scanning the area as he waited for them to leave. Alex saw a generator as he destroyed it and saw something on the screen.


Alex jumped on the ceiling as he destroyed four robots as he continued moving until he saw another generator as he destroyed it and saw something written on the screen.


Venom: Only Two More To Go.

Alex continued moving as he saw two robots moving around. Alex took both of them out with a stealth takedown.

 Alex took both of them out with a stealth takedown

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