Realm Of Shadows

529 22 182

February 28 2014


Martha was at the hospital helping some of the infected patients as she was getting worried about their health. Nobody knows where these monsters broke out from. As The Days go by, The Infection continues to get worse and people continue to disappear. Martha continued helping some patients as she decided to call Alex.

Martha hasn't spoken to Alex for a few days and has been worried about him. Martha saw Alex's contact and called him as it began ringing. She was having so many thoughts about Alex and his safety along with what he was up too. She kept waiting until Alex answered the phone as she began speaking to him.

Martha: Alex Honey. How are you?

Alex: I'm good mom and you?

Martha: I'm doing good too but What's wrong with you? Are you feeling alright?

Alex: Everything's Alright Mom. I'm just exhausted and tired.

Martha: It's probably because you stay up at late nights. Probably reading some books or talking to your girlfriend.

Alex: What Girlfriend?

Martha: I'm talking about Gwen.

Alex: Mom, Gwen is just my friend. Besides I'm only talking to her because she's been over working herself lately.

Martha: I see now. Well I'm glad to hear everything is going well for you.

Alex: Same goes to you.

Martha: Alex, Take care of yourself. As the days go by, These Monsters have been attacking the city along with people going missing. Stay with your group and immediately get back home. Don't even talk to strangers.

Alex: Alright. I'll be more careful. You also be careful.

Martha: I'm trying but these sick people have been acting odd lately.

Alex: Odd? What happened to them?

Martha: I'm not sure yet. Although we are investigating what's going with them. Dont worry I'll be careful.

Alex: Alright Mom. By the way, I need to do some homework. I'll get back to you when I'm done.

Martha: Alright Honey. Take care of yourself and dont overwork yourself. Love you Alex.

Alex: Love you too Mom.

Alex disconnected the phone call as he was looking at the Oscorp Archives Facility as he began speaking to Venom.

Alex: I can't let Mom know the real truth. The Truth about what I'm really up too.

Venom: Dont blame yourself. Your only doing this to protect her and this city.

Alex: I know but I honestly hate lying to her.

Venom: True but remember even if she does find out. She wouldn't hate you, She'll be proud of you.

Alex: Your Right. Now Let's just to get to the Archives and find Conners Research notes.

Venom: Right.

Alex put his hoodie on as he jumped on the rooftops and got inside the ventilation system as he managed to get inside the Facility as he noticed some Oscorp Gurads using a gurney to transport a storage container as he was listening to them.

Oscorp Gurad: What the hell are we suppose to do now?

Oscorp Guard: Orders came from the boss. He wants us to load the container to the furnace and burn it.

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