
925 29 142

February 20 2014

Alex along with Harry, Flash, Liz and Gwen were at High School as They were in chemistry class as Alex was writing some notes along with Harry, Gwen and Liz as Flash wasn't paying attention as he was taunting some students as The Teacher was scolding him.

The School day went by peacefully as it was the final class which was Physics Class as Alex was thinking about talking to Gwen after school about her work at Oscorp. School day ended as Gwen was exiting the school through the main gate until Alex called her as she stopped and smiled at him.

Gwen: Hey Alex.

Alex: Hey Gwen. Where are you going?

Gwen: I'm going to Oscorp. I have some work that I need to finish.

Alex: I see.

Gwen: Do you need anything?

Alex: Well i was wondering if i can help you with your work.

Gwen: I appreciate it Alex but I can handle it.

Alex: Sure? I mean I can help you.

Gwen was smiling at Alex as he was smiling at her back as she looked at him.

Gwen: Look Alex. I really like how helpful and supportive you are but the work I'm doing is top secret.

Alex: Top Secret?

Gwen: Yeah and Not even Flash, Liz or Harry know about this.

Alex: I see.

Gwen: So Yeah Alex. Again I appreciate your concern but I got this.

Alex was looking at Gwen as She continued talking to him until Alex had something to say.

Alex: Look Gwen. I know its top secret and all but you can trust me. I wont tell anyone.

Gwen was thinking about it as Alex was waiting for her answer as she was fixing her hair until she had something to say.

Gwen: Alright then. I'll show you around but remember you dont tell anyone about this.

Alex: Sure.

Gwen: Meet me at Oscorp around Eight PM. I'll be waiting for you.

Alex: Got it.

Gwen smiled at Alex as she left as Alex saw her leaving as He saw Flash, Harry and Liz approaching him.

Liz: What were you two talking about?

Alex: Homework.

Flash: Come on man. Your so boring.

Harry: Let them do what they want man. Hey Alex. Tomorrow We're gonna go out for dinner. You free Tomorrow?

Alex: Yeah I'm free tomorrow.

Liz: Great. We'll text you the details.

Flash: And dont come late geek.

Alex just stared at Flash as he pushed past him as Liz apologised to Alex as she followed her boyfriend as Harry and Alex shared a bro fist before they went their separate ways.

A Few Hours have passed as Alex was sitting on the coach as he was looking at the TV Screen which showed the news as he looked at the time and it was Seven Thirty One PM. Alex stretched out as he put on his hoodie jacket as he exited his Apartment until Ursula stopped him.

Ursula: Hey. Going somewhere?

Alex: Yeah. Just some small work that's all.

Ursula: Oh okay then. Come back early. I'm gonna make dinner and I want you to eat some.

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