
355 14 133

March 6 2014


Connor's Antidote worked and it managed to cure Gwen and The Other Scientists. Right now, Alex and Gwen were on the rooftop of the Oscorp Bio Labs Facility as They were talking to each other.

Alex: Just hold on Gwen, We're gonna get you back home.

Gwen: Alex....I'm fine.

Alex: Gwen, You almost-

Gwen: There's no time. We need to set some things first.

Alex: Like what?

Gwen: I need to tell my dad about everything that has happen.

Alex: You sure? Your Dad is still hunting me down.

Gwen: Alex, People are still in the dark over what has happened. They think your the bad guy.

Alex: How many times are we gonna split up?

Gwen: Dont worry about me. I'll be fine But This City needs you.

Alex was gonna say something until he heard a notification on his phone as he opened it and it was a police broadcast.

Police Officer: Captain Stacy, Can you hear me?

George: I'm here. What's the problem?

Police Officer: Sir, We have a situation at the docks. There's a Scorpion Monster attacking those workers.

George: Dont worry. We'll stop that monster. I'm sending reinforcements, Just hold on a little longer.

Police Officer: Roger that.

Alex: Great. Gwen, Take care of yourself. I'll stop the Scorpion.

Gwen: Be Careful Alex.

Alex nodded as he jumped off the rooftop as Gwen saw Alex swinging through different buildings. Gwen got her phone out of her pocket as she dialled her father's number and waited for him to answer the phone.

Meanwhile The Construction Worker was on top of the crane as The Scorpion began walking towards him as it was growling at him. The Worker stood back as The Scorpion got even closer to him.

The Scorpion threw the worker off the crane as he began falling until Alex managed to save him.

The Scorpion threw the worker off the crane as he began falling until Alex managed to save him

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Construction Worker: Thank you so much.

Alex nodded as The Worker left the docks until Alex saw the Scorpion staring at him and began growling at him.

Alex nodded as The Worker left the docks until Alex saw the Scorpion staring at him and began growling at him

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