Conflict Resolution

545 17 99

March 1 2014


Alex was at the medical bay as the nurse was checking on his wounds as Alex applied an ice pack on his right eye. He has all this rage coursing through his veins after what Flash did to him. Alex was silent as The Nurse was asking him questions but he didn't answer her at all.

Soon Harry along with Flash, Liz, Ned, MJ and The School Principal entered the medical bay as They were speaking to Alex.

Principal: My Goodness. What happened to you?

Alex gave a death glare to Flash as he was scared that He might reveal the truth over what happened.

Liz: Alex, Who did this to you?

Nurse: He hasn't spoken a word since he came to the medical bay.

Harry: Alex, Is Everything Alright?

Ned: Alex, You don't need to worry about anything. The Principal will help you.

MJ: Yes, Just tell us what happened

Principal: We will ensure you that they will be punished over what they did to you. You don't need to be scared Alex, Tell me what happened?

Alex continued to give a death glare to Flash as he was beginning to sweat until Alex told them what happened.

Alex: Someone attacked me, I don't know who it was.

Principal: What did he look like?

Alex: I don't know, He attacked me from behind and continued beating me until he left. I dont even know who it was.

Harry: That Prick. Dont worry, We'll find him.

Principal: You just rest up. We'll handle the rest. Thank you for telling us.

MJ: If There's anything you missed in class. We'll let you know.

Ned: Do you want me to drop you back home?

Alex: I'll be fine.

Liz: Let us know if you need anything.

Harry: Take care man.

Alex nodded as he managed to get up as he left the medical bay as he left the school premises and continued walking as he was holding his head.

Venom: You should have let me kill him.

Alex: I wanted you too but Of Course, They'll know our identity.

Venom: Fine.....But if he gets in our way again then we won't stop till we eat his head.

Alex: Indeed.

Alex continued walking as he stretching out as he managed to make it back to his apartment complex as he was walking upstairs until he heard a voice.

Ditkovich: RENT!!!!

Venom: Just more problems. Run to your apartment fast.

Alex immediately ran to his apartment as Ditkovich tried to talk to Alex but he was gone as he sighed in anger and went back to his apartment.

Alex sighed in relief as he heard a knock on the door as he knew Ditkovich was gonna ask him about the rent until he heard a voice.

Ursula: Alex, Its me. You can open the door.

Alex opened the door and saw Ursula holding a plate which had cake in it as she smiled at him. Her smile faded away when she saw Alex's face.

Ursula: Oh my God. What happened to you?

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