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February 10 2014

Martha was sitting at the coach as she looked at the time and it was Nine Fifty four PM as she was worried about Alex. Alex hasn't came back home yet and hasn't answered any phone calls from her. She was so worried that she was gonna get up and find him until she heard the front door being opened as she got up and saw Alex.

Martha: Where were you?

Alex: Sorry. Just some stuff came up and I was late.

Martha noticed Alex was sweating and he was extremely nervous and scared as she went towards him.

Martha: Honey. Is everything okay?

Alex: Everything is......Fine.

Martha: *Touches Alex's forehead* Oh my God. You have a fever.

Alex was quiet as he was shaking as Martha helped him sit down as she gave him a glass of water as he began drinking it.

Martha: Alex Honey. Are you sure everything is okay?

Alex: Yeah.....Everything is okay.....I'm just tired.

Martha: Are you sure?


Martha: If there's anything you want to tell me. Tell me and I can help you.

Alex: I'm fine Mom. I'm just tired from the field trip and I haven't been feeling good. Do you have anything to eat?

Martha: Uhhh I made some lobster and-

Alex: That's great.

Alex removed his jacket as he immediately went to the bathroom and washed his face as he grabbed a towel and wiped it off as he got to the dinner table and began eating the lobster as his mother was watching him.

Martha: Do you want something else?

Alex: Chocolate.....Do you have Chocolate?

Martha: I do. Let me get it for you.

Alex was feeling odd as he continued eating the lobster as Martha gave him a Chocolate Bar before Alex ate it as he got up and looked at his Mom.

Martha: Alex, I'll get you some medicine and get some good sleep after this.

Alex: Got it.

Martha went to grab some medicine as Alex was sitting on the coach until he heard something.

Unknown: She's Sweet.

Alex looked around and saw no one as he was confused until Martha came back with some medicine as Alex took them and went back to his room as he was sitting on his bed until he heard something.

Unknown: Alex......

Alex looked around and saw no one as he was feeling irritated by who was calling him out.

Alex: Okay. I'm getting sick of this.

Just then Alex kept looking around until he saw the symbiote on his arms until something came out from his back.

Just then Alex kept looking around until he saw the symbiote on his arms until something came out from his back

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