
377 14 174

March 3 2014


It's been four hours since the attack along with the argument. Alex was making his way to High School as he was quiet. He didn't want anyone to speak to him after the incident with Conners. Alex was also in deep thoughts about what Gwen and Smythe told him at the Tower. Alex really made a mistake trusting the Lizard and it paid the price.

Alex was silent as he continued to walk past some students as he was in deep thoughts about the incident until he heard someone calling him.

Flash: Hey Jackass.

Alex closed his eyes in anger as he ignored Flash's words and continued walking as Other Students were watching them.

Flash: Hey, Are you listening to me?!?!

Alex was slowly losing his patience as he continued to ignore Flash. Some students were watching as Flash was getting closer to Alex.

Flash: Hey Geek. Are you-

Alex/Venom: I'm only gonna say this once

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Alex/Venom: I'm only gonna say this once. Leave me alone.

Flash was shocked by Alex's dark tone as Alex continued to stare at him until Mary Jane and The Others saw him.

Peter: Dude, Let him go.

Alex let go of Flash as Harry was gonna say something to him but he just walked away as Flash said something to Alex.

Flash: I knew you had balls Geek.

Alex closed his eyes in anger as he walked away without saying anything.

MJ: Is he alright?

Ned: I don't know. His voice sounded different.

Harry: Come on, We need to talk to him.

Eddie: I'm not sure about that honestly.

Peter: Why?

Eddie: Given that Alex here almost tried to beat up Flash. I suggest we let him cool down.

Liz: He's alright about that.

Alex was at Physics class as he wasn't able to concentrate on today's lesson as Class ended and Alex decided to take a sick leave because he needed to rest up and think about his next move.

Alex managed to leave school early after getting permission to take a sick leave as he left school premises.

Meanwhile some thugs were trying to find a way to open the penthouse as they were talking to each other.

Thug: Do you think she's here?

Thug: Its clearly obvious. Someone saw her coming to this penthouse.

Thug: Wait, What about her boyfriend?

Thug: The Boss isn't scared of that Freak.

Thug: He took out a giant robot last night. I'm worried if he'll show up.

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