
369 15 178

March 4 2014


Alex along with Harry, Mary Jane and Ned were watching the football game as Liz was with the other cheerleaders cheering for Flash's team as The Audience were cheering for their favourite teams.

Ned: Hey, Where's Peter and Eddie?

MJ: They have some work at the bugle. Probably Jameson is trying to throw more dirt at the Vigilante's reputation.

Ned: I really dont understand. Even after what Ashley and Dan said about him. Jameson still thinks The Vigilante is a menace.

Harry: Jameson also calls The Vigilante, The Demon Of New York.

Alex: *Thoughts* I wouldn't be surprised if Jameson was paid by Oscorp to put all blame on me.

Venom: Your right about that.

Ned: What's the matter Alex? You look quiet today.

Harry: Awfully Quiet Today.

Alex: I'm tired only, That's all.

MJ: Well Try resting up more often. You look tired already.

Ned: And You have dark circles on your eyes.

Alex: I noticed.

The Group continued watching the game as They saw Liz and The Other Cheerleaders cheering for Flash's team.

Alex: Is Liz back with Flash?

MJ: Not yet. She's still mad at him.

Alex: What's the problem between those two anyways?

Harry: Liz is honestly tired of Flash always bullying you and She was even tired of his attitude.

Ned: So right now, She's single.

Alex: I see.

Harry: You have a crush on Liz Alex?

Venom: Never because Black Cat is always in his mind.

Alex: Shut up, You Parasite.

Harry: What was that?

Alex: Nothing. Uhhh, No I don't have a crush on Liz.

MJ: I see.

Alex: Well I gotta go grab something. Be right back.

Alex got up from his seat as he was walking until Venom spoke to him.


Alex: Nope. Your getting on my nerves right now.

Venom: I will eat your liver if you dont apologise.

Alex: Okay, I'm sorry.

Venom: Apology Accepted.

Alex sighed in anger as he was walking around the school as he was looking at his phone.

Meanwhile At The Daily Bugle, Eddie and Peter were at Jameson's office as He was on the phone with someone.

Eddie: We've been standing here for an hour now and he's still on the phone.

Peter: If we sit down, We're fired.

Eddie: If we show him information on certain things, We're hired.

Peter: That is True Bro.

Eddie: *Sighs* I'm tired now.

Peter: Same. Hey, How's You and Anne?

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