Curtain Call

332 13 127

March 8 2014


Alex was making his way to Mercy Hospital as he was hoping his mother is okay. Alex was also thinking about the Green Goblin and What was his motive behind the World Unity Festival attack. Alex saw the Hospital which was destroyed as he jumped to a alleyway and ran to the hospital.

Alex continued running as he saw Captain Stacy standing by the entrance of the hospital.

Alex: Captain-

George: Dont worry Alex, Your Mother is fine.

Alex: Can I see her?

George: She's at the ambulance.

Alex didn't responded back to Captain Stacy as He knew Alex was worried about his mother's health. Alex saw the ambulance as he saw his mother wearing a cast on her right arm.

Alex immediately hugged his mother as she smiled and hugged him back.

Alex: Mom, Are you okay?

Martha: I'm fine honey. My arm hurts that's all.

Alex: What happened?

Martha: I dont know. There was a man on a glider. He was throwing bombs at the hospital. I managed to make it out but......

Alex: I'm sorry mom.

Martha: I could have saved them. I can still hear their cries in my head.

Alex: Mom, You need to rest up.

Martha: Okay Alex, I love you son.

Alex: Love you too.

They shared one last hug before Martha went inside the ambulance as it drove to another hospital as Alex stared at the destroyed mercy hospital. Alex's thoughts were interrupted by Captain Stacy.

George: The Green Goblin attacked the hospital. What does he even want?

Alex's eyes were wide open as Captain Stacy was confused.

George: What's the matter?

Alex: The Goblin knows who I am. That's why he started the attack at the festival. He attacked the hospital because Mom was working there.

George: Oh God. Alex, You need lay low.

Alex: Lay Low? That Bastard hurted my mother.

George: I understand but-

Alex: I have a feeling Norman is the Goblin. He's been watching us, He must have found out I'm the Vigilante and started this chaos.

George: But Alex, I was with Norman the whole time. He's not the Goblin, Your really need to calm down.

Alex stopped talking as Captain Stacy had worry written all over his face.

George: Your stressed out, You need to rest up.

Alex: I'll try.

Without anything left to say, Alex put his hoodie on as he saw some officers walking away. Alex used a tendril to get on the rooftop as he was looking at the city while having thoughts about the Goblin.

Alex: Who really is the green goblin?


Alex's senses went off until......

Alex's senses went off until

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